Tool that tests MANY
url bypass to reach a 40X protected page
# Setup
git clone
sudo mv bypass-url-parser /opt/
# Add this to your aliases
alias bypass='f(){ /opt/bypass-url-parser/ -u $@ 2>&1 | tee bypass-$(date +%s%N).log; unset -f f; }; f'
# Use it
The code is bad. Like, really bad.
A first python-base approach was made, but the issue if that while we're not using raw sockets, too many wrappers are decoding/encoding the url before sending it to the server, so it was a pain to send our actual payloads to the server, thus here we are, in 2021, using curl --path-as-is -skg
, and it works smoothly!
- Fork this repo
git checkout -b "$USER/$FEATURE"
- Implement your feature / refactor
git push --set-upstream origin "$USER/$FEATURE"
- Create pull request that we'll be happy to review :)