This project is aimed to provide the simplest way to install kubernetes on AMD-64 bare-metal, virtual & Cloud environments. Currently, Ubuntu 18.04 & 20.04, Centos 7 and Debian 10 are supported, but several other operating systems will be available soon.
Master branch is stable.
This is a list of points that will be explained in this Readme file for the IKE project :
AGORAKUBE is an easy-to-use, stable Kubernetes distribution (Kubernetes v1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19, 1.20, 1.21).
By its symplicity, AGORAKUBE provide a good way to deploy and manage K8S Clusters.
AGORAKUBE is based on Ansible scripts that install and configure Kubernetes components (control plane and data plane) quickly on bare-metal / VMs / Cloud Instances, as systemd services.
This distribution is also adaptive by offering the opportunity to customize your deployment and fit to your needs :
- OS : Ubuntu-18.04/20.04-amd64 and Centos 7.X-amd64, Debian-10-amd64
- DNS Service: CoreDNS
- Ingress Controller Traefik v2 & HA-Proxy & Nginx (Default)
- Container Runtime: Containerd (Default) & Docker
- Certificats: Self Signed PKI using OpenSSL
- Storage: OpenEBS (Jiva and HostPath). Note: NOT SUPPORTED WITH K8S v1.21
- Monitoring: Prometheus/Grafana/node-Exporter
- CNI plugin: Kube-router, Calico (VxLAN Cross-Subnet)
- MetalLB (L2/ARP mode for external LB)
- Metrics-Server
- Kubernetes-Dashboard
- Kubernetes ConfigMap and Secret Reloader
- Logrotate
- OIDC/SSO with Keycloak
This project is currently under active development so other customizable options will be added soon.
To deploy your K8S cluster follow these instructions.
Every feedback is very welcome via the GitHub site as issues or pull (merge) requests.
You can also give use vulnerability reports by this way.
See our Code Of Conduct and CONTRIBUTING for more information.
Join AGORAKUBE's community for discussion and ask questions : AGORAKUBE's Slack
Channels :
- #general - For general purpose (news, events...)
- #developpers - For people who contribute to AGORAKUBE by developing features
- #end-users - For end users who want to give us feedbacks
- #random - As its name suggests, for random discussions :)
All material here is released under the APACHE 2.0 license. All material that is not executable, including all text when not executed, is also released under the APACHE 2.0. In SPDX terms, everything here is licensed under APACHE 2.0; if it's not executable, including the text when extracted from code, it's "(APACHE 2.0)".
Lagorakube almost all software today, this software depends on many other components with their own licenses. Not all components we depend on are APACHE 2.0-licensed, but all required components are FLOSS. We prevent licensing issues using various processes (see CONTRIBUTING).
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
pierre villard 📆 💻 🧑🏫 📖 |
bryanILKI 💻 🚧 📖 |
sabrine-hammami 💻 🚧 📖 |
Adrien Huerre 📖 🖋 📆 |
gaelfr29 💼 📆 |
Aaron Johnson 💻 📖 |
Hameedullah Khan 💻 📖 |
Big Bill 💻 📖 |
Hussein Fahmy 💻 |
rushilgala 💻 |
tyb3n 📖 |
Eric Stumbo 💻 |
msouvatdy 💻 📖 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!