An Emacs package for displaying the output of an i3status
compatible command in the mode-line
or tab-bar
This package is primarily useful for EXWM users who wish to render a status-bar within Emacs itself:
- It can be combined with the tab-bar to save vertical space.
- It can be themed by Emacs (see Theming).
- Install and configure an i3status compatible status-bar generator.
- Install any required fonts (likely
). - Install and configure this package.
(use-package i3bar
:quelpa (i3bar :fetcher github :repo "Stebalien/i3bar.el")
;; Or with straight:
;:straight (i3bar :type git :host github :repo "Stebalien/i3bar.el")
(i3bar-mode 1))
You can place the i3bar in the tab-bar as follows:
(use-package tab-bar
(tab-bar-format '(tab-bar-format-tabs ; Optional: Remove to _only_ display the bar.
tab-bar-format-align-right ; Optional: Remove to align left.
(tab-bar-mode 1))
By default, this package uses the colors specified by your i3status
command. However, you can
define a custom i3bar-face-function
to override this.
For example, I use the following theme with i3status-rust
idle_bg = "#000000"
idle_fg = "#aaaaaa"
info_bg = "#000000"
info_fg = "#bbbbbb"
good_bg = "#000000"
good_fg = "#cccccc"
warning_bg = "#000000"
warning_fg = "#eeeeee"
critical_bg = "#000000"
critical_fg = "#ffffff"
separator = "\ue0b2"
alternating_tint_bg = "#111111"
separator_bg = "auto"
separator_fg = "auto"
Then I use the following "theme" function to make the status-bar's theme match my Emacs theme:
(defun i3bar-face-function-theme (foreground background)
(pcase (and foreground (upcase foreground))
("#000000" `(:foreground ,(face-background 'default nil t)))
("#111111" `(:foreground ,(face-background 'hl-line nil t)))
("#AAAAAA" 'shadow)
("#BBBBBB" nil)
("#CCCCCC" 'success)
("#EEEEEE" 'warning)
("#FFFFFF" 'error))
(pcase (and background (upcase background))
("#000000" nil)
("#111111" 'hl-line))))
(custom-set-variables '(i3bar-face-function i3bar-face-function-theme))
This package is missing featuers and features and has some rough edges. I'm happy to accept patches for any of these issues, assuming the patches don't introduce other issues.
This package implements just enough of the i3status protocol to be useful, but not everything.
- Click Events
- Pixel Spacing
- Pango Markup
This package makes no attempt to correctly configure fonts. Ideally it would create a special font-set that would "do the right thing", but my understanding of such black arts are still quite limited.