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This document lists resources for performing deep learning (DL) on satellite imagery. To a lesser extent classical Machine learning (ML, e.g. random forests) are also discussed, as are classical image processing techniques.

Table of contents

Top links







DEM (digital elevation maps)

  • Shuttle Radar Topography Mission: data - open access
  • Copernicus Digital Elevation Model (DEM) on S3, represents the surface of the Earth including buildings, infrastructure and vegetation. Data is provided as Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFs. link


Kaggle hosts over 60 satellite image datasets, search results here. The kaggle blog is an interesting read.

Kaggle - Amazon from space - classification challenge

Kaggle - DSTL - segmentation challenge

Kaggle - Airbus Ship Detection Challenge

Kaggle - Draper - place images in order of time

Kaggle - Deepsat - classification challenge

Not satellite but airborne imagery. Each sample image is 28x28 pixels and consists of 4 bands - red, green, blue and near infrared. The training and test labels are one-hot encoded 1x6 vectors. Each image patch is size normalized to 28x28 pixels. Data in .mat Matlab format. JPEG?

  • Imagery source
  • Sat4 500,000 image patches covering four broad land cover classes - barren land, trees, grassland and a class that consists of all land cover classes other than the above three
  • Sat6 405,000 image patches each of size 28x28 and covering 6 landcover classes - barren land, trees, grassland, roads, buildings and water bodies.
  • Deep Gradient Boosted Learning article

Kaggle - Understanding Clouds from Satellite Images

In this challenge, you will build a model to classify cloud organization patterns from satellite images.

Kaggle - miscellaneous

Alternative datasets

There are a variety of datasets suitable for land classification problems.

Tensorflow datasets

  • There are a number of remote sensing datasets
  • resisc45 - RESISC45 dataset is a publicly available benchmark for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification (RESISC), created by Northwestern Polytechnical University (NWPU). This dataset contains 31,500 images, covering 45 scene classes with 700 images in each class.
  • eurosat - EuroSAT dataset is based on Sentinel-2 satellite images covering 13 spectral bands and consisting of 10 classes with 27000 labeled and geo-referenced samples.
  • bigearthnet - The BigEarthNet is a new large-scale Sentinel-2 benchmark archive, consisting of 590,326 Sentinel-2 image patches. The image patch size on the ground is 1.2 x 1.2 km with variable image size depending on the channel resolution. This is a multi-label dataset with 43 imbalanced labels.


AWS datasets



  • Several people have uploaded datasets to Quilt

Google Earth Engine

Weather Datasets

UAV & Drone datasets

Synthetic data

Interesting deep learning projects

Raster Vision by Azavea


  • Semantic segmentation on aerial and satellite imagery. Extracts features such as: buildings, parking lots, roads, water, clouds
  • robosat-jupyter-notebook -> walks through all of the steps in an excellent blog post on the Robosat feature extraction and machine learning pipeline.
  • Note there is/was fork of Robosat, originally named, and subsequently although this appears to be dead/archived


DeepNetsForEO - segmentation



This section explores the different techniques (DL, ML & classical) people are applying to common problems in satellite imagery analysis. Classification problems are the most simply addressed via DL, object detection is harder, and cloud detection harder still (niche interest). Note that almost all aerial imagery data on the internet is in RGB format, and techniques designed for working with this 3 band imagery may fail or need significant adaptation to work with multiband data (e.g. 13-band Sentinel 2).

Land classification

Assign a label to an image, e.g. this is an image of a forest.

Semantic segmentation

Whilst classification will assign a label to a whole image, semantic segmentation will assign a label to each pixel

Change detection

Monitor water levels, coast lines, size of urban areas, wildfire damage. Note, clouds change often too..!

Image registration

Image registration is the process of transforming different sets of data into one coordinate system. Typical use is overlapping images taken at different times or with different cameras.

Object detection

A good introduction to the challenge of performing object detection on aerial imagery is given in this paper. In summary, images are large and objects may comprise only a few pixels, easily confused with random features in background. An example task is detecting boats on the ocean, which should be simpler than land based detection owing to the relatively blank background in images, but is still challenging.

Cloud detection

  • From this article on sentinelhub there are three popular classical algorithms that detects thresholds in multiple bands in order to identify clouds. In the same article they propose using semantic segmentation combined with a CNN for a cloud classifier (excellent review paper here), but state that this requires too much compute resources.
  • This article compares a number of ML algorithms, random forests, stochastic gradient descent, support vector machines, Bayesian method.
  • Segmentation of Clouds in Satellite Images Using Deep Learning -> a U-Net is employed to interpret and extract the information embedded in the satellite images in a multi-channel fashion, and finally output a pixel-wise mask indicating the existence of cloud.

Wealth and economic activity measurement

The goal is to predict economic activity from satellite imagery rather than conducting labour intensive ground surveys

Super resolution

Super-resolution imaging is a class of techniques that enhance the resolution of an imaging system. Very hot topic of research.


Image fusion of low res multispectral with high res pan band.

Image-to-image translation using GANS

Generative Adversarial Networks, or GANS, can be used to translate images, e.g. from SAR to RGB.

Stereo imaging for terrain mapping & DEMs

Measure surface contours.


NVDI - vegetation index


  • Removing speckle noise from Sentinel-1 SAR using a CNN
  • A dataset which is specifically made for deep learning on SAR and optical imagery is the SEN1-2 dataset, which contains corresponding patch pairs of Sentinel 1 (VV) and 2 (RGB) data. It is the largest manually curated dataset of S1 and S2 products, with corresponding labels for land use/land cover mapping, SAR-optical fusion, segmentation and classification tasks. Data:
  • so2sat on Tensorflow datasets - So2Sat LCZ42 is a dataset consisting of co-registered synthetic aperture radar and multispectral optical image patches acquired by the Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 remote sensing satellites, and the corresponding local climate zones (LCZ) label. The dataset is distributed over 42 cities across different continents and cultural regions of the world.
  • dinoSAR -> tools for InSAR processing on AWS, currently works with Sentinel-1 data to create Cloud-Optimized Geotiffs with accompanying STAC metadata.

Image formats, data management and catalogues

Cloud Optimised GeoTiff (COG)

STAC - SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog specification

The STAC specification provides a common metadata specification, API, and catalog format to describe geospatial assets, so they can more easily indexed and discovered. The aim is that the catalogue is crawlable so it can be indexed by a search engine and make imagery discoverable, without requiring yet another API interface. A good place to start is to view the Planet Disaster Data catalogue which has the catalogue source on Github and uses the stac-browser

State of the art

What are companies doing?

Online platforms for Geo analysis

  • This article discusses some of the available platforms
  • Pangeo -> There is no single software package called “pangeo”; rather, the Pangeo project serves as a coordination point between scientists, software, and computing infrastructure. Includes open source resources for parallel processing using Dask and Xarray. Pangeo recently announced their 2.0 goals: pivoting away from directly operating cloud-based JupyterHubs, and towards eductaion and research
  • Airbus Sandbox -> will provide access to imagery
  • Descartes Labs -> access to EO imagery from a variety of providers via python API
  • DigitalGlobe have a cloud hosted Jupyter notebook platform called GBDX. Cloud hosting means they can guarantee the infrastructure supports their algorithms, and they appear to be close/closer to deploying DL.
  • Planet have a Jupyter notebook platform which can be deployed locally.
  • -> hosted Jupyter environment with many features for working with EO data
  • -> data & platform for EO analytics in Jupyter env, paid
  • Unfolded Studio -> next generation geospatial analytics and visualization platform building on open source geospatial technologies including, and H3

Free online computing resources

Generally a GPU is required for DL, and this section lists a couple of free Jupyter environments with GPU available. There is a good overview of online Jupyter development environments on the site. I personally use Colab with data hosted on Google Drive

Google Colab

  • Collaboratory notebooks with GPU as a backend for free for 12 hours at a time. Note that the GPU may be shared with other users, so if you aren't getting good performance try reloading.
  • Also a pro tier for $10 a month ->
  • Tensorflow pytorch can be installed

Kaggle - also Google!

  • Free to use
  • GPU Kernels - may run for 1 hour
  • Tensorflow, pytorch & available
  • Advantage that many datasets are already available



Once you have a trained model how do you expose it to the internet and other services? Usually through a rest API. This section lists a number of training and hosting options. For an overview on this topic checkout Practical-Deep-Learning-on-the-Cloud


A conceptually simple and scalable approach to serving up deep learning model inference code is to wrap it in a rest API that is implemented in python (typically using flask or FastAPI) and deploy it to a lambda function.

Tensorflow Serving

TensorFlow Serving makes it easy to deploy new algorithms and experiments, while keeping the same server architecture and APIs. Multiple models, or indeed multiple versions of the same model, can be served simultaneously. TensorFlow Serving comes with a scheduler that groups individual inference requests into batches for joint execution on a GPU

Pytorch serve


Paperspace gradient

chip-n-scale-queue-arranger by developmentseed

Useful paid software

Useful open source software

A note on licensing: The two general types of licenses for open source are copyleft and permissive. Copyleft requires that subsequent derived software products also carry the license forward, e.g. the GNU Public License (GNU GPLv3). For permissive, options to modify and use the code as one please are more open, e.g. MIT & Apache 2. Checkout

GDAL & Rasterio

  • So improtant this pair gets their own section. GDAL is THE command line tool for reading and writing raster and vector geospatial data formats. If you are using python you will probably want to use Rasterio which provides a pythonic wrapper for GDAL
  • GDAL and on twitter
  • GDAL is a dependency of Rasterio and can be difficult to build and install. I recommend using conda, brew (on OSX) or docker in these situations
  • GDAL docker quickstart: docker pull osgeo/gdal then docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data/ osgeo/gdal gdalinfo /data/cog.tiff
  • Even Rouault maintains GDAL, please consider sponsoring him
  • Rasterio -> reads and writes GeoTIFF and other raster formats and provides a Python API based on Numpy N-dimensional arrays and GeoJSON. There are a variety of plugins that extend Rasterio functionality.
  • rio-cogeo -> Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) creation and validation plugin for Rasterio.
  • rioxarray -> geospatial xarray extension powered by rasterio
  • aws-lambda-docker-rasterio -> AWS Lambda Container Image with Python Rasterio for querying Cloud Optimised GeoTiffs. See this presentation
  • godal -> golang wrapper for GDAL
  • Write rasterio to xarray

Python low level numerical & data manipulation

Python general utilities

  • gcsts for google cloud storage sile-system -> Pythonic file-system interface for Google Cloud Storage
  • satpy - a python library for reading and manipulating meteorological remote sensing data and writing it to various image and data file formats
  • geemap: A Python package for interactive mapping with Google Earth Engine, ipyleaflet, and ipywidgets. See the Landsat timelapse example
  • WaterDetect -> an end-to-end algorithm to generate open water cover mask, specially conceived for L2A Sentinel 2 imagery. It can also be used for Landsat 8 images and for other multispectral clustering/segmentation tasks.
  • DeepHyperX -> A Python/pytorch tool to perform deep learning experiments on various hyperspectral datasets.
  • landsat_ingestor -> Scripts and other artifacts for landsat data ingestion into Amazon public hosting
  • PyShp -> The Python Shapefile Library (PyShp) reads and writes ESRI Shapefiles in pure Python
  • s2p -> a Python library and command line tool that implements a stereo pipeline which produces elevation models from images taken by high resolution optical satellites such as Pléiades, WorldView, QuickBird, Spot or Ikonos
  • TorchSat is an open-source deep learning framework for satellite imagery analysis based on PyTorch.
  • torchvision-enhance -> Enhance PyTorch vision for semantic segmentation, multi-channel images and TIF file,...
  • felicette -> Satellite imagery for dummies. Generate JPEG earth imagery from coordinates/location name with publicly available satellite data.
  • EarthPy -> A set of helper functions to make working with spatial data in open source tools easier. readExploratory Data Analysis (EDA) on Satellite Imagery Using EarthPy
  • detectree -> Tree detection from aerial imagery
  • pylandstats -> compute landscape metrics
  • ipyearth -> An IPython Widget for Earth Maps
  • arosics -> Perform automatic subpixel co-registration of two satellite image datasets based on an image matching approach
  • pygeometa -> provides a lightweight and Pythonic approach for users to easily create geospatial metadata in standards-based formats using simple configuration files
  • pesto -> PESTO is designed to ease the process of packaging a Python algorithm as a processing web service into a docker image. It contains shell tools to generate all the boiler plate to build an OpenAPI processing web service compliant with the Geoprocessing-API. By Airbus Defence And Space
  • folium -> a python wrapper to the excellent leaflet.js which makes it easy to visualize data that’s been manipulated in Python on an interactive leaflet map. Also checkout the streamlit-folium component for adding folium maps to your streamlit apps
  • GEOS -> Google Earth Overlay Server (GEOS) is a python-based server for creating Google Earth overlays of tiled maps. Your can also display maps in the web browser, measure distances and print maps as high-quality PDF’s.
  • GeoDjango intends to be a world-class geographic Web framework. Its goal is to make it as easy as possible to build GIS Web applications and harness the power of spatially enabled data. Some features of GDAL are supported.
  • tifffile -> Read and write TIFF files
  • xtiff -> A small Python 3 library for writing multi-channel TIFF stacks
  • dask-geopandas -> Parallel GeoPandas with Dask

Python graphing and visualisation

  • hvplot -> A high-level plotting API for the PyData ecosystem built on HoloViews. Allows overlaying data on map tiles, see Exploring USGS Terrain Data in COG format using hvPlot
  • Pyviz examples include several interesting geospatial visualisations
  • napari -> napari is a fast, interactive, multi-dimensional image viewer for Python. It’s designed for browsing, annotating, and analyzing large multi-dimensional images. By integrating closely with the Python ecosystem, napari can be easily coupled to leading machine learning and image analysis tools. Example viewing Landsat-8 imagery. Note that to view a 3GB COG I had to install the napari-tifffile-reader plugin.
  • pixel-adjust -> Interactively select and adjust specific pixels or regions within a single-band raster. Built with rasterio, matplotlib, and panel.
  • Plotly Dash can be used for making interactive dashboards, check out this dashboard on orbital debris built using Dash

Tools for image annotation

If you are performing object detection you will need to annotate images with bounding boxes. Check that your annotation tool of choice supports large image (likely geotiff) files, as not all will. Note that GeoJSON is widely used by remote sensing researchers but this annotation format is not commonly supported in general computer vision frameworks, and in practice you may have to convert the annotation format to use the data with your chosen framework. There are both closed and open source tools for creating and converting annotation formats.

Movers and shakers on Github

  • Adam Van Etten is doing interesting things in object detection and segmentation
  • Andrew Cutts cohosts the Scene From Above podcast and has many interesting repos
  • Ankit Kariryaa published a recent nature paper on tree detection
  • Chris Holmes is doing great things at Planet
  • Christoph Rieke maintains a very popular imagery repo and has published his thesis on segmentation
  • Even Rouault maintains several of the most critical tools in this domain such as GDAL, please consider sponsoring him
  • Jake Shermeyer many interesting repos
  • Mort Canty is an expert in change detection
  • Nicholas Murray is an Australia-based scientist with a focus on delivering the science necessary to inform large scale environmental management and conservation
  • Qiusheng Wu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography at the University of Tennessee
  • Robin Wilson is a former academic who is very active in the satellite imagery space

Companies on Github

For a full list of companies, on and off Github, checkout awesome-geospatial-companies. The following lists companies with interesting Github profiles.


Books with code

Online communities


Neural nets in space

Processing on satellite allows less data to be downlinked. E.g. super-resolution image might take 4-8 images to generate, then a single image is downlinked.

About the author

My background is in optical physics, and I hold a PhD from Cambridge on the topic of localised surface Plasmons. Since academia I have held a variety of roles, including doing research at Sharp Labs Europe, developing optical systems at Surrey Satellites (SSTL), and working at an IOT startup. It was whilst at SSTL that I started this repository as a personal resource. Over time I have steadily gravitated towards data analytics and software engineering with python, and I now work as a senior data scientist at Satellite Vu. Please feel free to connect with me on Twitter & LinkedIn, and please do let me know if this repository is useful to your work.

Linkedin: robmarkcole Twitter Follow


Resources for deep learning with satellite & aerial imagery







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