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launch gdbgui
set the inferior program, pass argument, set a breakpoint at main
gdbgui --args ./myprogram myarg -myflag
gdbgui "./myprogram myarg -myflag"
use gdb binary not on your $PATH
gdbgui --gdb-cmd build/mygdb
Pass arbitrary arguments directly to gdb when it is launched
gdbgui --gdb-cmd="gdb -x gdbcmds.txt"
run on port 8080 instead of the default port
gdbgui --port 8080
run on a server and host on Accessible to the outside world as long as port 80 is not blocked.
gdbgui -r
Same as previous but will prompt for a username and password
gdbgui -r --auth
Same as previous but with encrypted https connection.
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout private.key -x509 -days 365 -out host.cert
gdbgui -r --auth --key private.key --cert host.cert
Use Mozilla's record and replay (rr) debugging supplement to gdb. rr lets your record a program (usually with a hard-to-reproduce bug in it), then deterministically replay it as many times as you want. You can even step forwards and backwards.
gdbgui --gdb-cmd "rr replay --"
Use recording other than the most recent one
gdbgui --gdb-cmd "rr replay RECORDED_DIRECTORY --"
Don't automatically open the browser when launching
gdbgui -n