Push to BitBucket triggers API Gateway which triggers AWS Lambda
AWS Lambda clones the BitBucket repository onto the AWS Lambda then pushes the latest code to GitHub
Once the code hits GitHub it triggers the Serverless Framework Pro CI/CD which will deploy the updates
- nodejs12.x runtime
is a native npm module, we can't package from MacOS and directly upload. Meaning we need to build a Docker container and deploy from there. Below are the steps.
Create a BitBucket private repo & create a GitHub private repo
Create an app password with BitBucket & create a Github personal access token
Setup Serverless Framework Pro org, app, profile with AWS IAM role deployment, and profile params matching environment variables listed in
Create a Serverless Framework Pro personal access key
Install Docker + Start Docker + Run
docker build -t git-mirror-lambda .
to build deployment container locally -
docker run -it git-mirror-lambda /bin/bash
to get inside the container -
cd /app
to get into right folder -
swapping in your Serverless Framework Personal access key -
sls deploy --stage dev --region us-west-2 -v
swapping in your desiredstage
Create a BitBucket webhook copying the API URL printed in the terminal after deployment
sls logs -f webhook --stage dev --region us-west-2 -t
to listen for logs -
Push a file into your BitBucket Repo and watch the Lambda log come through the terminal output
Navigate to GitHub repository to see the latest commit