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ELK Lambda Extension


Create a lambda extension pattern that sends function logs to destinations.

Supported Destinations

  • S3

Template Overview

  • layers
    • elk - elk extension layer
      • elk-extension - nodejs code to do something when the hook is triggered
        • destinations
          • index.js - Logic for mapping all registered destinations.
          • s3.js - Logic for sending the logs to a S3 bucket.
        • extensions-api.js - handles register and next
        • logs-api.js - Logic for subscribing to Lambda Logs API.
        • http-server.js - Logic for creating a local HTTP server.
        • index.js - handles registering the extension and subscribing to Lambda Logs API.
      • extensions - executable that starts the process
      • serverless.yml - defines IAC for creating the lambda extension layer
  • serverless.yml - defines a sample lambda which will have the ELK extension layer attached

Lambda function

Example Lambda - connected to ELK Lambda extension should emulate a real lambda which needs to push logs to a destination

# Lambda that has ELK Extension attached
    name: ${self:custom.base}-exampleLambda
    handler: index.handler
        - http:
            path: /example
            cors: true
            method: any
        - ${cf:${self:custom.layerStackName}.ELKLambdaExtensionLayerLambdaLayerQualifiedArn}

ELK Lambda Extension Layer Setup

Setup the index.js permissions.

$ cd layers/elk/elk-extension
$ chmod +x index.js
$ npm install
$ cd ../../../

Setup the extensions executable file which will call our NodeJS index.js file

$ cd layers/elk/extensions                 
$ chmod 755 elk-extension

Extension destinations

Optional parameters:

  • EXTENSION_LOG_MAX_ITEMS - The maximum number of events to buffer in memory. Default: 10000. Minimum: 1000. Maximum: 10000.
  • EXTENSION_LOG_TIMEOUT_MS - The maximum time (in milliseconds) to buffer a batch. Default: 1000. Minimum: 100. Maximum: 30000.
  • EXTENSION_LOG_MAX_BYTES - The maximum size (in bytes) of the logs to buffer in memory. Default: 262144. Minimum: 262144. Maximum: 1048576.

You can enable destinations via env variable.


As example, S3 destination has been provided but it can be easily extended by adding custom destinations files under destinations folder.

Every destination has to expose a sendLogs method which accepts logs as parameter and returns a promise.

const sendLogs = (logs) => {
    const fileName = S3_OBJECT_NAME + '-' + new Date().toISOString() + '.log'

    const params = {
        Bucket: S3_BUCKET_NAME,
        Key: fileName,
        Body: logs

    return s3.upload(params).promise();

If you want to send logs to more than one destination, you can pass all destinations names separated by commas.

EXTENSION_LOG_DESTINATIONS: "s3,destination1,destination2"

Note that the destination names must match the file names under destinations folder.

S3 destination

With this destination, function logs that the Lambda function generates and writes to stdout or stderr are send to a S3 bucket. As this is an asynchronous system, logs for one invoke may be processed during the next invocation. Logs for the last invoke may be processed during the SHUTDOWN event.


This destination accepts the following params as environment variables:

  • EXTENSION_LOG_DESTINATION_S3_BUCKET_NAME - bucket name to send the logs. (This bucket must exists and the Lambda function using this extension needs to have permissions to put objects into the bucket)

  • EXTENSION_LOG_DESTINATION_S3_OBJECT_NAME - The prefix name to be used for the object. (Example of an S3 object: [EXTENSION_LOG_DESTINATION_S3_OBJECT_NAME]-2020-11-22T13:46:56.371Z.log)

Deploy Layer


$ cd layers/
$ sls deploy --stage dev --region us-west-2 -v
$ cd ../

Sample Lambda

$ sls deploy --stage dev --region us-west-2 -v 



$ sls invoke local -f example -d '{"headers":{"x-amzn-trace-id": "1234abcd"}}'

Real Lambda

$ sls invoke -f example -d '{"headers":{"x-amzn-trace-id": "1234abcd"}}'

Get Logs from Real Lambda

You can also trail logs by adding -t to the end, otherwise the command below will get the last log.

$ sls logs -f example

Errors that you may face

$ sls invoke -f example -d '{"headers":{"x-amzn-trace-id": "1234abcd"}}' 
    "errorMessage": "RequestId: e7977454-f1e5-4970-ad0f-7da70665f51d Error: fork/exec /opt/extensions/elk-extension: permission denied",
    "errorType": "Extension.LaunchError"

To fix this:

$ cd layers/elk/extensions                 
$ chmod 755 elk-extension
