Infrastructure as Code for Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (MSK).
- MSK (Kafka cluster and brokers)
- Client Machine (EC2 Instance)
- SSM Parameters (Kafka Cluster host/port pairs connections)
- Lambda (Kafka producer and consumer examples)
- 2 Private Subnets
- Route Table
- kafkaVPC (VPC ID)
- PrivateSubnet1Id
- PrivateSubnet2Id
- MSK Cluster
- Security Group
- MSKClusterArn
- MSKSecurityGroup
- EC2 Instance
- IAM Instance Profile
- IAM Role
- Security Group
- 3 Security Group Ingress Rules on the MSKSecurityGroup (MSK stack)
- MSKClientMachine (EC2 Instance ID)
With AMI IDs for us-east-1 and us-east-1 regions.
- 2 SSM Parameters
- BootstrapBrokerStringParameter
- BootstrapBrokerStringTLsParameter
In AWS console, go to MSK service, find the kafka cluster we deployed in previous steps and click on cluster name. Click on "View client information" button. Now you have to copy 3 values that will be used in the next steps.
- Copy
Bootstrap servers:TLS
value. - Copy
Bootstrap servers:Plaintext
value. - Copy
ZooKeeper connection:Plaintext
In AWS console, then System manager, parameter store. You will find 2 new parameters:
- /kafka-msk-ssm-params-[ENV]/broker-string
- /kafka-msk-ssm-params-[ENV]/broker-string-tls
Update the value of this param: /kafka-msk-ssm-params-[ENV]/broker-string
with the value you copied previously (Bootstrap servers:Plaintext
Update the value of this param: /kafka-msk-ssm-params-[ENV]/broker-string-tls
with the value you copied previously (Bootstrap servers:TLS
- Lambda function producer
- Lamdba function consumer
- Lambda EventSource Mapping for MSK cluster
- 2 Security Groups
- 2 Security Group Ingress Rules on the MSKSecurityGroup (MSK stack)
In AWS console, go to EC2 and find the client machine instance (KafkaClientInstance-[ENV]) Logging into the instance by selection the isntance, and click connect, then Session manager and then click "Connect".
Inside the client machine do the following steps:
sudo su
su -l ec2-user
cd kafka/kafka_2.12-2.2.1/
# Create topic
bin/ --create --zookeeper "[Zookeeper connection VALUE]" --replication-factor 2 --partitions 1 --topic [TOPICNAME]
The [Zookeeper connection VALUE] is the value you copied in previous steps(
ZooKeeper connection:Plaintext