This repository serves as a daily log to document my journey towards 1 Month. My aim is to create a streak of documenting my progress for 365+ days.
- i started working on an expense tracker
- achieved it's setup
- i got to learn how to setup some basic components in html and styling
- i also learned about the use of event listeners in JavaScript.
- it was quite impressive and learned alot
- i faced some basic challenges such as setting up the props for the charts
i did some data sets
- i created a chart that displays all the income sources
- i added functionality so when you click on each bar, it will show more information about that source
- I learnt how to manipulate DOM elements using vanilla JS
- I also understood how to work with external APIs like OpenWeatherMap API
- The biggest challenge was trying to understand how to pass data from one component to another in React I am really enjoying this project because it is helping me improve my skills in frontend development. It has been great learning about different technologies I think this is going to be a good project because it involves learning new skills while creating something useful
I think this project is going to be really helpful because it allows me to practice my skills in different areas at once. It has been great fun learning I think this project is going to be really helpful for me because it involves learning new skills while building something useful. I think this project is going to be really helpful for me because it involves learning multiple skills at once which makes it interesting.
I think this project is going to be really helpful for me in terms of learning new skills and gaining experience in web development. It has been a I had a good day overall but there were some setbacks. Firstly, understanding how to pass data between different components in React is still not
I had a good day today. It wasn't very productive but I enjoyed learning new things. I feel like I am getting better at understanding
I made good progress today!
Today, I worked on my project which is an app called "Money Tracker". It helps users track their expenses and incomes Today, I worked on my project. Here are the highlights:
- I fixed an issue where the app would crash if there were no transactions in the database. This happened because
returned an empty array if there were no transactions in the database. - I added a new feature to the app that allows users to filter their transactions by category.
- I added a new feature to the app that allows users to filter their transactions by date range.