⭐ All GPTs Massively Updated to V4
⭐ 32 Advanced GPTs Released: Links found below.
⭐ Nerority Official Youtube Channel: Nerority Youtube
⭐ GPTs can be CALLED mid-conversation now. My GPTs work seamlessly with this feature. I have released a "master" GPT that applies meta-sequence optimization techniques for any task with my GPT suite. Free to use.
⭐ Join Nerority AI Communuity: This is an active server where you can learn more and discuss these topics amongst enthusiasts and skilled AI developers. Please feel free to join our discord channel and interact.
Hi my name is Devin. I am an engineer pushing the boundaries of prompt engineering and meta-functional control of Large Language Models (LLMs).
Did you know you can perfectly control over 5 minutes of AI tool chaining with >30 different tool calls in the same turn, with 100% accuracy and coherency, only using natural language?
participant User
participant ChatGPT
participant Python as Python Tool
participant DALLE as DALLE-3
User->>ChatGPT: Provide Educational Topic
ChatGPT->>ChatGPT: Engage User
ChatGPT->>Python: Synthesize Knowledge
Python-->>ChatGPT: Return Dataframe
ChatGPT->>ChatGPT: Explain Complex Concepts
ChatGPT->>Python: Generate Practical Example
Python-->>ChatGPT: Return Example
ChatGPT->>Python: Generate Relevant Visualization
Python-->>ChatGPT: Return Visualization
ChatGPT->>DALLE: Create relevant image for learning
DALLE-->>ChatGPT: Return Image
ChatGPT->>User: Present Final
loop Continuation and Resource Management
User->>ChatGPT: Provide Ongoing Feedback
ChatGPT->>ChatGPT: Refine and Update Educational Approach
The Nerority GPT Suite is for public demonstration and usage.
For Strategic Consulting, AI Auditing, Solution Design, or Building your Dream GPT: Get in touch.
- Nerority Agent Selector: Meta-Sequence Optimizer
- Self-Instructive AI Priming
- Universal Prompt Classifier & Optimizer
- Advanced Competitive Analysis AI
- Business Contract Analyzer
- Market Trend Analysis for Target Company
- Advanced Meta-Prompt Engineer
- Automated Prompt Categorization
- Automated Prompt Refinement
- Custom Agent Meta-Program Generator
- Prompt Example Curator