Maybe you're working on an high-level application or make use of a deployment script and you want to use NodeMCU-Tool to manage the file transfer.
This means build systems like ANT or python, php scripts for example.
Description Download files to NodeMCU using ANT exec task
Example File apache-ant-build.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="test" default="build" basedir=".">
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/"/>
<target name="build">
<!-- Download Files to NodeMCU !-->
<exec executable="node">
<arg value="bin/nodemcu-tool.js" />
<arg value="upload" />
<arg value="helloworld.lua" />
Description Process connected NodeMCU Devices
Example File
import subprocess
import json
# Capture Exception to handle the return_code
# Run NodeMCU-Tool to fetch a list of available devices
output = subprocess.check_output(['node', '../bin/nodemcu-tool.js', 'devices', '--json'])
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
print "NodeMCU-Tool Error: Code: ", exc.returncode, " - ", exc.output
# Decode the json output
devices = json.loads(output)
# Check result
if len(devices) == 0:
# Error, no devices
print "No Devices found!"
print "Possible NodeMCU Devices found:"
# Output Device List
for device in devices:
print ">>", device["vendorId"], "(", device["pnpId"], ") on", device["comName"]
Description Fetch file-list from NodeMCU Module
Example File parse-filelist.php
// List of arguments
$args = array(
// the application file
// the command
// json output mode
// For Security - escape the shell args (not necessary in this example, but required for dynamic input)
$args = array_map(function($param){
return escapeshellarg($param);
}, $args);
// build the command string - don't forget to add the node.js binary!
$command = 'node ' . implode(' ', $args);
// run the command
exec($command, $output, $return_var);
// command failed ?
if ($return_var !== 0){
// show status code
die('Program Error '. $return_var);
// decode json data - keep in mind that $output is an array (line-wise)
$data = json_decode(implode("\n", $output), true);
// process the output
foreach ($data['files'] as $file){
echo '>> ', $file['name'], ' - ', $file['size'], "\n";
It's possible to use the underlying "NodeMcuConnector" in your own Node.js projects to communicate with a NodeMCU based device. For more details, take a look into the sources!
Description Run node.compile()
on NodeMCU and display the output
var _connector = require('nodemcu-tool').Connector;
// create a new connector instance
var con = new _connector('/dev/ttyUSB4', 9600);
// open the serial connection
con.connect(function(err, response){
// get version, flashid ... message
// run a command on the Lua command line
con.executeCommand('node.compile("testfile.lua");', function(err, echo, response){
if (err){
console.error('IO Error - ', err);