- Upgrade minimum PHP version to 5.4
- Composer.json is now more friendly for external libraries (^)
- Add Vagrantfile
Added the possibility to define assets to actions
Example controller configuration
'controllers' => array( 'ModuleName\Controller\ControllerName' => array( 'actions' => array( 'actionName' => array( '@collection_name', ), ), '@base_css', '@base_js', ), ),
Refactored view helper and added an ability to prevent browser cache when the file is updated.
<?php echo $this->asset('login_ie7_head_js', array('addFileMTime' => true))
Added view helper to have an ability to include asset collections in the view script manually.
Only the collection name is required.
<!--[if IE 7]> <?php echo $this->asset('login_ie7_head_js', array('type' => 'text/javascript')) ?> <?php echo $this->asset('login_ie7_css', array('media' => 'screen', 'type' => 'screen', 'text/css' => 'stylesheet')) ?> <![endif]-->
Register view helper in your module if necessary:
<?php public function getViewHelperConfig() { return array( 'factories' => array( 'asset' => function($helpers) { /** @var HelperPluginManager $helpers */ $sl = $helpers->getServiceLocator(); return new Helper\Asset($sl); }, ), ); }
Availability to get filters from ServiceManager
<?php 'twitter_bootstrap_css' => array( 'assets' => array( '/path/to/bootstrap/file.less' ), 'filters' => array( 'BootstrapLessCompiler' ), );
<?php // BootstrapLessCompiler filter factory class public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator){ $filter = new LessphpFilter(); $defaultPresets = $serviceLocator->get('config'); $defaultPresets = array_merge($defaultPresets['bootstrap_less']['default'], $defaultPresets['bootstrap_less']['application']); $filter->setPresets($defaultPresets); return $filter; }
- Simply front page
- Improve documentation
- Create out of the box configuration
- #29 - pass more arguments to filter constructor
- #74 - now only assets match in request are build
- #80 - In debug mode, asset collection is move as separate file, not as single file.
- use cache buster only when cache is enabled or have cache buster enabled
All route configurations that match the current route will now be merged. This is especially useful when used in combination with the regular expressions previously introduced.
<?php return array( 'assetic_configuration' => array( 'routes' => array( 'admin/.*' => array( '@specific_admin_js ), 'admin/(dashboard|reports|etc)/.+' => array( '@admin_css', '@admin_js' ) ) ) );
If now route
gets matched by ZF2 only asset@specific_admin_js
is selected. If routeadmin/reports/x
is matched by ZF2 both assets@specific_admin_js
get selected.
- Added possibility to specify
in route name. example:
return array(
'assetic_configuration' => array(
'routes' => array(
// in the name of route there can be any regex.
// it will be automatically prepended by '^' and appended by '$'
// during matching phase
'admin/(dashboard|reports|etc)/.+' => array(
- Asset collections defined on route level can now match the current route using regular expression
- Create console actions, run
php index.php
to see more informations - Option to disable/enable generating assets on fly
'buildOnRequest' => true
- by default is set totrue
for backward compatybility. My recomendation is to set this to false on production enviroment. - Cleanup, refactoring
- Added cache buster strategy
- Start tagging releases
- Optional filters in debug mode
- Added configurable umask
- Added configurable acceptable errors #54
- Update description how to merge
- Change behavior for option "baseUrl" now is detected by ZF2 (in ServiceFactory::createService)
- New configuration option "basePath"
- Composer is now recommended way of installation.
- Fix issue #36: Case insesitive module name in configuration required
- Fix issue #30: Possible Assets may apply where they are not wanted
- Wrote tests
- Add travis-ci
- Remove old code
- Add AsseticBundleServiceAwareInterface
- Composer support added, now is recommended way of installation
- Remove vendor directory
- New installation process
- Rewrite AsseticBundle\Service to determinate how to set up template to use resources (link, script) depending on Laminas\View\Renderer
- Assetic configuration namespace was change from:
'di' => array(
'instance' => array(
'assetic-configuration' => array(
'parameters' => array(
'config' => array(/* configuration */)
array('assetic_configuration' => array(/* configuration */));