It is easy to synthesise wavs from 16kHz inputs at another sampling rate (e.g. 24kHz), just set a proper hop length and modify the upsample_rates
in decoder.
For example, input wav: sampling_rate=16kHz, hop_length=320; output wav: sampling_rate=24kHz, hop_length=240. Then we just need to set
to 480.
This directory provides the code I used to train a model that outputs 24kHz wavs. The parameters are hardcoded because I am lazy. If this attracts enough interest I might consider sort it out. The pretrained checkpoint (freevc-24.pth) is also provided in the '24kHz' dir here.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --hpfile logs/freevc-24.json --ptfile checkpoints/freevc-24.pth --txtpath convert.txt --outdir outputs/freevc-24
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -c configs/freevc-24.json -m freevc-24