Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
All Algorithms implemented in Python
分享 GitHub 上有趣、入门级的开源项目。Share interesting, entry-level open source projects on GitHub.
Scrapy, a fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework for Python.
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SMSBoom - Deprecate: Due to judicial reasons, the repository has been suspended!
InstantID: Zero-shot Identity-Preserving Generation in Seconds 🔥
Custom Selenium Chromedriver | Zero-Config | Passes ALL bot mitigation systems (like Distil / Imperva/ Datadadome / CloudFlare IUAM)
Turn your Python application into an Android APK
Background Matting: The World is Your Green Screen
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Detect and recognize the faces from camera / 调用摄像头进行人脸识别,支持多张人脸同时识别
A Calibre plugin to translate ebook into a specified language.
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A quick and dirty HTTP/S "organic" traffic generator.
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