- Nowhere, somewhere and everywhere
Wolven-kit Public
Forked from WolvenKit/WolvenKitMod editor/creator for RED Engine games. The point is to have an all in one tool for creating mods for the games made with the engine.
C# GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedFeb 8, 2021 -
pathologic-es.github.io Public
Forked from DUBlajes/pathologic-es.github.ioWeb oficial de los proyectos de traducción al castellano de Pathologic Classic HD y Pathologic 2.
redscript Public
Forked from jac3km4/redscriptToolkit for working with scripts used by REDengine in Cyberpunk 2077.
Rust MIT License UpdatedFeb 8, 2021 -
thegreatsuspender-notrack Public
Forked from aciidic/thegreatsuspender-notrackA chrome extension for suspending all tabs to free up memory, privacy-oriented with no analytics tracking.
Firefox-52-ESR-legacy-addon Public
[WIP] A curated list and XPI files of Mozilla Firefox browser extensions, addons, themes from addons.mozilla.org, before XUL-based purge blackout
xdelta Public
Forked from jmacd/xdeltaopen-source binary diff, delta/differential compression tools, VCDIFF/RFC 3284 delta compression
C++ UpdatedApr 29, 2020 -
qBittorrent Public
Forked from qbittorrent/qBittorrentqBittorrent BitTorrent client
hugo Public
Forked from gohugoio/hugoThe world’s fastest framework for building websites.
go static-site-generator cms content-management-system knowledge-management information-architecture go-langGo Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 7, 2018 -
browser-laptop Public
Forked from brave/browser-laptopBrave browser for Desktop and Laptop computers running Windows, OSX, and Linux
imgbrd-grabber Public
Forked from Bionus/imgbrd-grabberVery customizable imageboard/booru downloader with powerful filenaming features.
DiscordMediaLoader Public
Forked from Serraniel/DiscordMediaLoaderDiscord Media Loader - Simply download all attachments
instaloader Public
Forked from instaloader/instaloaderDownload pictures (or videos) along with their captions and other metadata from Instagram.
bookmark-archiver Public
Forked from ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox🗄 Save an archived copy of websites from Pocket/Pinboard/Bookmarks/RSS. Outputs HTML, PDFs, and more...
App Public
Forked from xbrowsersync/appxBrowserSync client app source code
AwesomeBump Public
Forked from kmkolasinski/AwesomeBumpAwesomeBump is a free program written using Qt library designed to generate normal, height, specular or ambient occlusion textures from a single image. Since the image processing is done in 99% on …
PixivUtil2 Public
Forked from Nandaka/PixivUtil2Download images from Pixiv and more!
Python BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedJul 28, 2018 -
DanbooruDownloader Public
Forked from Nandaka/DanbooruDownloader*booru image downloader
API Public
Forked from xbrowsersync/apiServer-side REST API that serves requests from xBrowserSync client apps
youtube-dl Public
Forked from Jamie-Landeg-Jones/youtube-dlCommand-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and other video sites
Python The Unlicense UpdatedJul 4, 2018 -
TumblThree Public
Forked from johanneszab/TumblThreeA Tumblr Blog Backup Application
BodySlide-and-Outfit-Studio Public
Forked from ousnius/BodySlide-and-Outfit-StudioBodySlide and Outfit Studio, a tool to convert, create, and customize outfits and bodies for Bethesda games.
modorganizer Public
Forked from ModOrganizer2/modorganizerMod manager for various PC games. Discord Server: https://discord.gg/cYwdcxj if you would like to be more involved
C++ GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMar 3, 2018 -
Vortex Public
Forked from Nexus-Mods/VortexVortex Development
TypeScript GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMar 1, 2018 -
Nexus-Mod-Manager Public
Forked from Nexus-Mods/Nexus-Mod-ManagerNexus Mod Manager aka NMM, for several games, NexusMods site support, pioneer before Vortex and ModOrganizer.
C# GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedMar 1, 2018 -
nifskope Public
Forked from niftools/nifskopeA git repository for nifskope.
C++ Other UpdatedJan 16, 2018 -
A load order optimisation tool for Oblivion, Skyrim, Skyrim SE, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout 4.
C++ GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedDec 30, 2017 -
wpull Public
Forked from ArchiveTeam/wpullWget-compatible web downloader and crawler.
CopyQ Public
Forked from hluk/CopyQClipboard manager with advanced features
Buku Public
Forked from jarun/buku🔖 Powerful command-line bookmark manager. Your mini web!
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedNov 26, 2017 -
Shaarli Public
Forked from shaarli/ShaarliThe personal, minimalist, super-fast, database free, bookmarking service - community repo