4.2 action finished
4.2.5 finished
4.2.2 finished
[system history]
- System will judge whether an attachment is valid on targeted card or not. Attachments will automatically add STR bonus and icons on attached cards.
![q1] (http://upload.ouliu.net/i/20160205092757fqyx9.png) ![q1] (http://upload.ouliu.net/i/20160205092829e1p80.jpeg) ![q1] (http://upload.ouliu.net/i/20160205092926cna3j.jpeg) ![q1] (http://upload.ouliu.net/i/201602050930523wc5t.jpeg) ![q1] (http://upload.ouliu.net/i/201602050931154kds4.png)
Dupes and attachments will stick to orderly targeted cards when player move targeted cards. ![q1] (http://upload.ouliu.net/i/20160205092641yj92x.jpeg)
Former carddlg cannot deal with non-unique same copies, so I add a selectmode to players in which they can choose cards on board or in hand, with double click and click next to finish the window ![q1] (http://upload.ouliu.net/i/201602050932013la5g.jpeg)
I’m now working on automatic process, these are what I have accomplished:
- Target selecting after initiate stealth
- Unopposed reward in 4.2.3
- Applying all claim effect in 4.2.4 automatically, including int, pow and mil(choose which character to kill->save interrupts->cancel interrupts->judging whether a character is saved successfully->leave play interrupts->leave play reactions) Now I’m working on reactions for determining the winner in 4.2.2, which I found very complicated and leads to very slow progress. ![q1] (http://upload.ouliu.net/i/20160205092415zx5k0.jpeg)