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Modexp Circuit


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Let $p$ be the prime used in Modexp. When $x$ is U256, $\langle x \rangle$ stands for its limb representation; and $\langle x \rangle_p$ stands for $x\mod p$.

Iterative algorithm for computing $\langle a^b \rangle_p$

Write $b=b_{n-1}+b_{n-2}\cdot 2+...+b_1\cdot 2^{n-2}+b_0\cdot 2^{n-1}$, i.e., in big-endian form $b=\overline{b_0b_1...b_{n-2}b_{n-1}}$. Then $$a^b=a^{b_{n-1}}\cdot (a^{b_{n-2}})^2\cdot ... \cdot (a^{b_{0}})^{2^{n-1}} \ .$$ So $a^b$ can be computed recursively as $$P_0=1, P_{k}=P_{k-1}^2\cdot a^{b_{k-1}}, k=1,...,n-1 \ ,$$ and $a^b=P_{n-1}$. This also applies when $\mod p$ is present, i.e., $a^b \mod p$ can be computed recursively as $$\qquad R_0=1, R_k=R_{k-1}^2\cdot a^{b_{k-1}} \mod p \ , k=1,...,n-1 \ ,$$ and $\langle a^b\rangle_p=R_{n-1}$.

Note that in binary representation $b_{k-1}=0 \text { or } 1$ depending on the exact bit. Also, $\langle u \cdot v \rangle_p=\langle \langle u \rangle_p \cdot \langle v \rangle_p \rangle_p$, so the recursion for $R$ can be further written as

$$(1) \qquad R_0=1, R_k=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \langle \langle R_{k-1}\cdot R_{k-1}\rangle_p\cdot a\rangle_p & \text{ if } b_{k-1}=1; \\\ \langle R_{k-1}\cdot R_{k-1}\rangle_p & \text{ if } b_{k-1}=0 \ , \end{array}\right.$$

and $\langle a^b\rangle_p=R_{n-1}$.

Note that the number of iterations $n$ is the number of bits of the exponent $b$. If $b$ is U256, then $n$ will not exceed 256.

U256 Number decomposed in limbs

Let $x$ be U256 (Number) and denote the limb representation of $x$ as $\langle x \rangle=[x_0, x_1, x_2, x_3]$. The rule is $$x=x_0+x_1\cdot 2^{108}+x_2\cdot 2^{216} \ ,$$ i.e.,

$$\langle x \rangle = \overline{ \underbrace{\xi_0\xi_1\cdots \xi_{107}}_{x_0} \underbrace{\xi_{108}\xi_{109}\cdots \xi_{215}}_{x_1} \underbrace{\xi_{216}\xi_{217}\cdots \xi_{255}}_{x_2}}$$

in little-endian. This guarantees that $x_0\leq 2^{108}$, $x_1\leq 2^{108}$ and $x_2\leq 2^{108}$, so each of $x_0, x_1, x_2$ can be fit into an $\mathbb{F}_r$ element of Halo2.

In addition, $x_3$ stands for $x_3=x\mod r$.

Constraint system for $x y \mod p = d$

Let x, y be in U256 and p be the prime used in Modexp, d<p be the remainder, both also in U256. Then the constraints for $x y \mod p = d$ is the same as that for $x y= kp+d$ with some $k$ and d<p.

Note that k may well overflow U256. For example, let p=2 and x,y are close to $2^{256}-1$, then k will easily overflow U256. To prevent this, we observe that in the iteration (1) the $R_k$ ($k\geq 2$) is always a $\mod p$ value and the

$$\langle R_{k-1} \cdot R_{k-1} \rangle_p$$

is also a $\mod p$ value. Since $xy \mod p = (x\mod p)\cdot y \mod p$, so in practice when applying to the iteration (1), we always have $x$ replaced by $x\mod p$. This ensures xy < py so that k<(kp+d)/p=xy/p<y<2^{256}.

We use the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT):

Chinese Remainder Theorem: Let $n_1,...,n_k$ be pairwise co-prime numbers, and $a_1,...,a_k$ any integers. Then the system $x \equiv a_i \mod n_i$ for $i=1,...,k$ has a solution, and any two solutions $x_1$, $x_2$ are congruent modulo $N=n_1...n_k$, i.e. $x_1 \equiv x_2 \mod N$.

In our case, we pick $n_1=2^{108}-1$, $n_2=2^{216}$ and $n_3=r$, so they are co-prime, and the system $xy\equiv kp+d \mod n_i$, $i=1,2,3$ is ensured to have a solution of the form $xy=kp+d+\delta\cdot n_1n_2n_3$ for some integer $\delta$. Since $n_1n_2n_3&gt;2^{512}$ and $xy\leq 2^{512}$, we must take $\delta=0$, so $xy=kp+d$.

For any $n$ the relation $xy=kp+d \mod n$ is equivalent to $$\langle x\rangle_n \langle y\rangle_n\equiv \langle k\rangle_n\langle p\rangle_n+\langle d \rangle_n \mod n \ .$$

For an $x$ expressed in limbs, we get

$$\begin{array}{l} & \langle x \rangle_{n_1} \\\ = & x_0 + x_1 \cdot \langle 2^{108} \rangle_{n_1} + x_2 \cdot \langle 2^{216} \rangle_{n_1} \mod (2^{108}-1) \\\ = & \langle x_0+x_1+x_2\rangle_{n_1} \end{array}$$

since $\langle 2^{108} \rangle_{n_1}=\langle 2^{216} \rangle_{n_1}=1$.


$$\begin{array}{l} & \langle x \rangle_{n_2} \\\ = & x_0 + x_1 \cdot 2^{108} + x_2 \cdot 2^{216} \mod 2^{216} \\\ = & \langle x_0 + x_1 \cdot 2^{108} \rangle_{n_2} \ . \end{array}$$

And by definition $\langle x\rangle_{n_3}=x_3$. Notice that if both $x, y$ are decomposed into limbs, then

$$\begin{array}{l} & \langle x y \rangle_{n_2} \\\ = & (x_0 + x_1 \cdot 2^{108})(y_0 + y_1 \cdot 2^{108}) \mod n_2 \\\ = & \langle x_0y_0 + (x_1y_0+x_0y_1)\cdot 2^{108}\rangle_{n_2} \ , \end{array}$$

because $n_2=2^{216}$.

So constraints that ensure $xy=kp+d$ are given by

$$(2) \left\{\begin{array}{rcll} (x_0+x_1+x_2)(y_0+y_1+y_2) & \equiv & (k_0+k_1+k_2)(p_0+p_1+p_2) + (d_0+d_1+d_2) & \mod (2^{108}-1) \ , \\\ x_0y_0 + (x_1y_0+x_0y_1)\cdot 2^{108} & \equiv & k_0p_0 + (k_1p_0+k_0p_1)\cdot 2^{108} + d_0+d_1\cdot 2^{108} & \mod 2^{216} \ , \\\ x_3y_3 & \equiv & k_3p_3 + d_3 & \mod r \ , \\\ d & < & p \ . & \end{array}\right.$$

Circuit Design and Layout

Circuit Design

To form a circuit for Modexp we shall apply (2) to each iteration step in (1). In the code, method ModexpChip.modexp fills this purpose, it calls ModexpChip.modmult to check each step of $\langle R_{k-1}\cdot R_{k-1}\rangle_p$ and $\langle\langle R_{k-1}\cdot R_{k-1}\rangle_p, a\rangle_p$ based on the current bit being 0 or 1 (via select method). The constraints in ModexpChip.modmult are those listed in (2).

Circuit Layout

Circuit uses 2-rows for one custom-gate constraint, with layout as follows:

advice advice advice advice advice fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed
l0 l1 l2 l3 d c0 c1 c2 c3 cd cdn c c03 c12 lookup_hint lookup_ind sel
None None None None dn None None None None None None None None None None None None

Note that the above table is a demonstration of how a custom-gate is layouted. The None terms simply stands for the fact that the custom-gate does not touch these cells. It does not mean that the circuit is layouted without these cells being filled with valid values. One can think of the actual circuit layout as the above shaped custom-gate (throwing away the None cells) falling down as in a tetris game.

Here l0, l1, l2, l3, d are advice columns (5 advice columns) and rest are fixed columns (12 fixed columns). The context of each cell is explained as follows:

  • l0-l3 stand for the 4 limbs in decomposing a U256 Number;
  • d is a limb term;
  • dn is a limb term, the next to d. It is used in decompose_limb method which decomposes a limb into binary cells, in big endian;
  • c0-c3 are coefficients for each of the 4 limbs;
  • cd, cdn are coefficients for d and dn;
  • c03 is the coefficient for l0 * l3 and c12 is the coefficient for l1 * l2;
  • c is a constant term added to the constraint equality;
  • sel is a binary indicator that enables this constraint or not;
  • lookup_hint is the size of limb lookup for l0 in terms of 12 bits (= one unit in size sz), so 108 bits takes size 9, usually use size 10 in case of overflow;
  • lookup_ind indicates whether to do limb lookup for l0, so it can be 0u64 (no lookup) and 1u64 (lookup).

One-line constraint system

Each constraint equality will be written into the following general form ("one-line constraint") with different assignments for the advice and fixed cells:

[c0 * l0 + c1 * l1 + c2 * l2 + c3 * l3 + cd * d + cdn * dn + l0 * l3 * c03 + l1 * l2 * c12 + c] * sel = 0

assign_line method

Modexp Circuit uses assign_line method to assign these cells. In assign_line method, witnesses are l0-l3, d, dn, coefficients are c0-c3, cd, cdn, c03, c12, c. The sel cell is taken to be 1, lookup_ind is 0u64 if lookup_hint ==0 else it is 1u64. The assign_line method returns the limbs [l0, l1, l2, l3, d, dn].

Range checks of limbs via lookup

Range checks of the limbs are done in a separate RangeCheckChip. The range check is usually applied to l0 limb, and whenever the Modexp circuit needs a range check for the limb it will create a new gate with l0 limb under lookup.

The RangeCheckChip is connected with the Modexp Circuit via register method, in which we use lookup argument to ensure that l0 limb is contained as the first acc term in the RangeCheckChip and its target lookup size lookup_hint is contained in the first rem term in the RangeCheckChip.

After that, RangeCheckChip uses provide_lookup_evidence method to assign values to the range check chip. The range checks are configured by putting constraints that decompose the limb into 12-bit sub-limbs, with each sub-limb under lookup to a table with terms $[0, 2^{12}-1=4095]$ listed in increasing order. It also checks the 12-bit by 12-bit carry to higher digits is done in a correct way.


Below we explain each constraint in (2) with its assignment of these specific cells.

constraint for $\mod 2^{108}-1$

This is done in methods mod_power108m1, mod_power108m1_mul and mod_power108m1zero.

mod_power108m1 method

It takes a U256 Number decomposed into [limb0, limb1, limb2] (limb3 not known) and computes value=limb0+limb1+limb2. After these results are obtained it assigns the following cells

advice advice advice advice advice fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed
l0=limb0 l1=limb1 l2=limb2 l3=None d=value c0=1 c1=1 c2=1 c3=None cd=-1 cdn=None c=None c03=None c12=None lookup_hint=0 lookup_ind=0u64 sel=1
None None None None dn=None None None None None None None None None None None None None

So its one-line constraint is given by the equation limb0+limb1+limb2-value==0.

This method returns [limb0, limb1, limb2, limb0+limb1+limb2].

mod_power108m1_mul method

It takes two U256 Number denoted as lhs and rhs, and calls mod_power108m1 to assign each one's limb0-limb2 and obtains ml=lhs.limb0+lhs.limb1+lhs.limb2, mr=rhs.limb0+rhs.limb1+rhs.limb2. Then it computes v=ml*mr, q=v / (2^{108}-1) and r=v-q*(2^{108}-1). After these results are obtained it assigns the following cells

advice advice advice advice advice fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed
l0=q l1=ml l2=mr l3=r d=None c0=2^{108}-1 c1=None c2=None c3=1 cd=None cdn=None c=None c03=None c12=-1 lookup_hint=10 lookup_ind=1u64 sel=1
None None None None dn=None None None None None None None None None None None None None

So its one-line constraint is given by the equation q*(2^{108}-1)-ml*mr+r==0.

This method returns r.

mod_power108m1zero method

It takes 3 limbs limb0, limb1, limb2 and 3 signs sign0, sign1, sign2, computes v=(2^{108}-1)*16+limb0*sign0+limb1*sign1+limb2*sign2 and q=v/(2^{108}-1). After these results are obtained it assigns the following cells

advice advice advice advice advice fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed
l0=q l1=limb0 l2=limb1 l3=limb2 d=None c0=-(2^{108}-1) c1=sign0 c2=sign1 c3=sign2 cd=None cdn=None c=(2^{108}-1)*16 c03=None c12=None lookup_hint=1 lookup_ind=1u64 sel=1
None None None None dn=None None None None None None None None None None None None None

So its one-line constraint is given by the equation


This method returns OK.

Factor 16 here is used as a buffer to make sure that v is positive, so that we are enabled to do a range check for q (if v is negative, the range check for q becomes hard to perform). In the constraint equation related to $\mod 2^{108}-1$ that calls mod_power108m1zero method, each of the limb0, limb1, limb2 will not exceed $4\cdot (2^{108}-1)$, so their signed combination in absolute value will not exceed $12\cdot (2^{108}-1)&lt;16\cdot (2^{108}-1)$, which is the reason why we choose 16 as buffer here.

constraint equation $(x_0+x_1+x_2)(y_0+y_1+y_2) \equiv (k_0+k_1+k_2)(p_0+p_1+p_2) + (d_0+d_1+d_2) \mod (2^{108}-1)$ in (2)

We take two U256 Number denoted as lhs (stand for $x$) and rhs (stand for $y$), then

  • call mod_pow108m1_mul with lhs$=x$ and rhs$=y$ to obtain mod_108m1_lhs=$(x_0+x_1+x_2)\cdot (y_0+y_1+y_2)\mod 2^{108}-1$;
  • call mod_pow108m1_mul with lhs$=k$ and rhs$=p$ to obtain mod_108m1_rhs=$(k_0+k_1+k_2)\cdot (p_0+p_1+p_2)\mod 2^{108}-1$;
  • call mod_power108m1 to obtain mod_108m1_rem=$d_0+d_1+d_2$;
  • call mod_power108m1zero with limb0=mod_108m1_lhs, limb1=mod_108m1_rhs and limb2=mod_108m1_rem and sign0=1, sign1=-1, sign2=-1. This checks $(x_0+x_1+x_2)(y_0+y_1+y_2) \equiv (k_0+k_1+k_2)(p_0+p_1+p_2) + (d_0+d_1+d_2) \mod (2^{108}-1)$ in (2).

constraint for $\mod 2^{216}$

This is done in methods mod_power216, mod_power216_mul and mod_power216_zero.

mod_power126 method

It takes a U256 Number decomposed into [limb0, limb1, limb2] (limb3 not known) and computes value=limb0+limb1*2^{108}. After these results are obtained it assigns the following cells

advice advice advice advice advice fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed
l0=limb0 l1=limb1 l2=None l3=None d=value c0=1 c1=2^{108} c2=None c3=None cd=-1 cdn=None c=None c03=None c12=None lookup_hint=0 lookup_ind=0u64 sel=1
None None None None dn=None None None None None None None None None None None None None

So its one-line constraint is given by the equation limb0+limb1*2^{108}-value == 0.

This method returns value=limb0+limb1*2^{108}.

mod_power216_mul method

It takes two U256 Number denoted as lhs and rhs and then computes v = lhs.limb0 * rhs.limb1 + lhs.limb1 * rhs.limb0. After these results are obtained it assigns the following cells

advice advice advice advice advice fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed
l0=lhs.limb0 l1=lhs.limb1 l2=rhs.limb0 l3=rhs.limb1 d=v c0=None c1=None c2=None c3=None cd=-1 cdn=None c=None c03=1 c12=1 lookup_hint=0 lookup_ind=0u64 sel=1
None None None None dn=None None None None None None None None None None None None None

So its one-line constraint is given by the equation lhs.limb0*rhs.limb1 + lhs.limb1*rhs.limb0 - v == 0.

Next, this method computes the quotient q=v/2^{108} and the remainder r=v-q^2^{108}, so that this computes r=(lhs.limb0*rhs.limb1+lhs.limb1*rhs.limb0)%2^{108}. After these results are obtained it assigns the following cells

advice advice advice advice advice fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed
l0=q l1=v l2=None l3=r d=None c0=2^{108} c1=-1 c2=None c3=1 cd=None cdn=None c=None c03=None c12=None lookup_hint=10 lookup_ind=1u64 sel=1
None None None None dn=None None None None None None None None None None None None None

So its one-line constraint is given by the equation q*2^{108}-v+r == 0.

After getting the r, final step is to compute an updated v=lhs.limb0*rhs.limb0+r*2^{108}. After these results are obtained it assigns the following cells

advice advice advice advice advice fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed
l0=r l1=lhs.limb0 l2=rhs.limb0 l3=None d=v c0=2^{108} c1=None c2=None c3=None cd=-1 cdn=None c=None c03=None c12=1 lookup_hint=0 lookup_ind=1u64 sel=1
None None None None dn=None None None None None None None None None None None None None

So its one-line constraint is given by the equation r*2^{108}+lhs.limb0*rhs.limb0-v == 0.

This method finally returns v=lhs.limb0*rhs.limb0+((lhs.limb0*rhs.limb1+lhs.limb1*rhs.limb0) % 2^{108})*2^{108}.

mod_power216_zero method

This method takes 3 limbs limb0, limb1, limb2 and 3 signs sign0, sign1, sign2 and computes v=8*2^{216}+limb0*sign0+limb1*sign1+limb2*sign2, q=v/2^{216}. After these results are obtained it assigns the following cells

advice advice advice advice advice fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed
l0=q l1=limb0 l2=limb1 l3=limb2 d=None c0=-2^{216} c1=sign0 c2=sign1 c3=sign2 cd=None cdn=None c=2*2^{216} c03=None c12=None lookup_hint=1 lookup_ind=1u64 sel=1
None None None None dn=None None None None None None None None None None None None None

So its one-line constraint is given by the equation -q*2^{216}+limb0*sign0+limb1*sign1+limb2*sign2+8*2^{216} == 0.

This method returns OK.

Factor 8 here is used as a buffer (BUFMULT) to make sure that v is positive, so that we are enabled to do a range check for q (if v is negative, range check for q becomes hard to perform). In the constraint equation related to $\mod 2^{216}$ that calls mod_power216zero method, each of the limb0, limb1, limb2 will not exceed $2\cdot 2^{216}$, so their signed combination in absolute value will not exceed $6\cdot 2^{216}&lt;8\cdot 2^{216}-1$, which is the reason why we choose 8 as buffer here.

constraint equation $x_0y_0 + (x_1y_0+x_0y_1)\cdot 2^{108} \equiv k_0p_0 + (k_1p_0+k_0p_1)\cdot 2^{108} + d_0+d_1\cdot 2^{108} \mod 2^{216}$ in (2)

We take two U256 Number denoted as lhs (stand for $x$) and rhs (stand for $y$), then

  • call mod_pow216_mul with lhs$=x$ and rhs$=y$ to obtain mod_216_lhs=$x_0y_0+(x_1y_0+x_0y_1 \mod 2^{108})\cdot 2^{108}$;
  • call mod_pow216_mul with lhs$=k$ and rhs$=p$ to obtain mod_216_rhs=$k_0p_0+(k_1p_0+k_0p_1 \mod 2^{108})\cdot 2^{108}$;
  • call mod_power216 to obtain mod_216_rem=$d_0+d_1\cdot 2^{108}$;
  • call mod_power216zero with limb0=mod_216_lhs, limb1=mod_216_rhs and limb2=mod_216_rem and sign0=1, sign1=-1, sign2=-1. This checks $x_0y_0 + (x_1y_0+x_0y_1)\cdot 2^{108} \equiv k_0p_0 + (k_1p_0+k_0p_1)\cdot 2^{108} + d_0+d_1\cdot 2^{108} \mod 2^{216}$ in (2).

constraint for $\mod r$

This makes use of mod_native_mul method.

mod_native_mul method

This method takes 5 U256 Number named as lhs, rhs, rem, modulus, quotient. Then it assigns the following cells

advice advice advice advice advice fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed
l0=modulus.limb3 l1=lhs.limb3 l2=rhs.limb3 l3=quotient.limb3 d=rem.limb3 c0=None c1=None c2=None c3=None cd=-1 cdn=None c=None c03=-1 c12=1 lookup_hint=0 lookup_ind=0u64 sel=1
None None None None dn=None None None None None None None None None None None None None

So its one-line constraint is given by the equation -modulus.limb3*quotient.limb3+lhs.limb3*rhs.limb3-rem.limb3==0.

This method returns rem.limb3.

constraint equation $x_3y_3=k_3p_3+d_3 \mod r$ in (2)

We take two U256 Number denoted as lhs (stand for $x$) and rhs (stand for $y$), then

  • call mod_native_mul with lhs$=x$, rhs$=y$, rem$=d$, quotient$=k$, modulus$=p$. This checks $x_3y_3\equiv k_3p_3 + d_3 \mod r$ in (2). (Since field is $\mathbb{F}_r$, operation $\mod r$ is done automatically when doing field operations.)

constraint for d<p

A remaining constraint in (2) to ensure that $xy = kp + d$ is the comparison d<p. This makes use of the lt_number and le_limb functions.

lt_number method

This method takes two U256 Number denoted as lhs and rhs and returns 1 if lhs<rhs, returns 0 if otherwise.

To achieve this, it divides lhs and rhs into limbs lhs.limb[0], lhs.limb[1], lhs.limb[2] and rhs.limb[0], rhs.limb[1], rhs.limb[2]. Then

  • if lhs.limb[2]<rhs.limb[2], returns 1;
  • elseif lhs.limb[1]<rhs.limb[1], returns 1;
  • elseif lhs.limb[0]<rhs.limb[0], returns 1;
  • else returns 0.

To compare each lhs.limb[i]<rhs.limb[i], it calls le_limb method to compare if lhs.limb[i]>=rhs.limb[i].

le_limb method

This method takes two U256 Number denoted as lhs and rhs and returns 1 if lhs<=rhs and 0 otherwise.

It computes

  • diff_true = rhs - lhs;
  • diff_false = lhs - rhs - 1;
  • abs = rhs - lhs if rhs >= lhs else abs = lhs - rhs - 1 if rhs < lhs;
  • res = 1 if rhs >= lhs else res = 0 if rhs < lhs;

Then it fills the following constraints

  1. Checks -diff_true+rhs-lhs==0 via the following cell assignment
advice advice advice advice advice fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed
l0=diff_true l1=rhs l2=lhs l3=None d=None c0=-1 c1=1 c2=-1 c3=None cd=None cdn=None c=None c03=None c12=None lookup_hint=0 lookup_ind=0u64 sel=1
None None None None dn=None None None None None None None None None None None None None

Then set true_limb=diff_true

  1. Checks -diff_false-rhs+lhs-1==0 via the following cell assignment
advice advice advice advice advice fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed
l0=diff_false l1=rhs l2=lhs l3=None d=None c0=-1 c1=-1 c2=1 c3=None cd=None cdn=None c=-1 c03=None c12=None lookup_hint=0 lookup_ind=0u64 sel=1
None None None None dn=None None None None None None None None None None None None None

Then set false_limb=diff_false

  1. Checks res(abs-true_limb)==0 via the following cell assignment
advice advice advice advice advice fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed
l0=abs l1=res l2=true_limb l3=res d=None c0=None c1=None c2=None c3=None cd=None cdn=None c=None c03=1 c12=-1 lookup_hint=0 lookup_ind=0u64 sel=1
None None None None dn=None None None None None None None None None None None None None
  1. Checks (res-1)(abs-false_limb)==0 via the following cell assignment
advice advice advice advice advice fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed
l0=res l1=res l2=abs l3=false_limb d=None c0=None c1=None c2=-1 c3=1 cd=None cdn=None c=None c03=-1 c12=1 lookup_hint=9 lookup_ind=1u64 sel=1
None None None None dn=None None None None None None None None None None None None None

This method returns res.