56 | 56 | -->
57 | 57 | <div class="commit sansserif">
58 | 58 |
| 59 | + <h2 class="date">12 August 2019</h2> |
| 60 | + <h3 class="author">AffectedArc07 updated:</h3> |
| 61 | + <ul class="changes bgimages16"> |
| 62 | + <li class="rscadd">Panic Bunker</li> |
| 63 | + </ul> |
| 64 | + <h3 class="author">Allfd updated:</h3> |
| 65 | + <ul class="changes bgimages16"> |
| 66 | + <li class="tweak">Panthers can now see in the dark.</li> |
| 67 | + </ul> |
| 68 | + <h3 class="author">Arkatos updated:</h3> |
| 69 | + <ul class="changes bgimages16"> |
| 70 | + <li class="rscadd">You can ctrl-click any action button to lock/unlock its position</li> |
| 71 | + <li class="tweak">All actions buttons now start with their position locked</li> |
| 72 | + </ul> |
| 73 | + <h3 class="author">Citinited updated:</h3> |
| 74 | + <ul class="changes bgimages16"> |
| 75 | + <li class="rscadd">Mappers have a new tool that creates a fully functional cycling airlock.</li> |
| 76 | + </ul> |
| 77 | + <h3 class="author">CornMyCob updated:</h3> |
| 78 | + <ul class="changes bgimages16"> |
| 79 | + <li class="bugfix">The cursed heart you get from necropolis chests is now the one that heals you.</li> |
| 80 | + </ul> |
| 81 | + <h3 class="author">Couls updated:</h3> |
| 82 | + <ul class="changes bgimages16"> |
| 83 | + <li class="rscadd">Diagonal movement</li> |
| 84 | + <li class="rscadd">Input subsystem(numpad targetting, press numpad 8 multiple times to target eyes and mouth, numpad 6 or 4 to target arms and press them again to target hands and numpad 1 or 3 to target legs and press them again to target feet) taken from https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/pull/32751</li> |
| 85 | + <li class="rscadd">change confused status to have you move diagonally randomly in the direction you're headed if not too confused(now you can drunkenly walk down the hall)</li> |
| 86 | + <li class="rscadd">clients are now children of datums like everything else in BYOND taken from https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/pull/20394</li> |
| 87 | + <li class="rscadd">AZERTY and numpad targetting preferences</li> |
| 88 | + <li class="tweak">Reworks the biohazard event to have a chance of giving a randomized advanced disease with 6 varying symptoms instead of a preset disease.</li> |
| 89 | + <li class="tweak">change how bone breakage is calculated</li> |
| 90 | + <li class="rscadd">can now butcher koi for salmon meat</li> |
| 91 | + <li class="rscadd">adds a line to alert people as to why they're not getting blood from the monkeys</li> |
| 92 | + <li class="bugfix">The vampires are finally off their monkey diet, theycan now suck blood from players and humanized monkeys</li> |
| 93 | + <li class="bugfix">Symptoms are now correctly generated for level 7 biohazards</li> |
| 94 | + <li class="tweak">Borgs can now cycle modules with X again</li> |
| 95 | + <li class="tweak">Ahelp message is less confusing</li> |
| 96 | + <li class="tweak">F2 (say) F3(ooc) F4(me) buttons have been restored tweak:when numpad targetting is off you can use numpad 1-4 to change intents tweak:pressing shift before any of the intent buttons doesn't change intents(for people with shift+1-4 macros) tweak:backspace now sets the focus to the chat bar</li> |
| 97 | + <li class="bugfix">fixes the runtime caused by running keyloop for clients</li> |
| 98 | + <li class="bugfix">Preferences not saving properly</li> |
| 99 | + <li class="bugfix">issue with preload_rsc</li> |
| 100 | + <li class="rscadd">Restore hotkey mode</li> |
| 101 | + <li class="bugfix">Q no longer drops items as a cyborg on AZERTY mode</li> |
| 102 | + <li class="rscadd">Automatically offload ore you're carrying to an orebox you're dragging</li> |
| 103 | + <li class="bugfix">typing indicators show up again</li> |
| 104 | + <li class="rscadd">TG waddle component, clowns can now optionally waddle, penguins always waddle. Ctrl Click clown shoes in hand to toggle waddling</li> |
| 105 | + <li class="rscadd">Added invismin macro back to F9</li> |
| 106 | + <li class="rscdel">stealthmin macro removed from F9</li> |
| 107 | + </ul> |
| 108 | + <h3 class="author">Crazylemon64 updated:</h3> |
| 109 | + <ul class="changes bgimages16"> |
| 110 | + <li class="bugfix">Fixes a bug that would cause ghosts to teleport their bodies sometimes</li> |
| 111 | + </ul> |
| 112 | + <h3 class="author">Dave-TH updated:</h3> |
| 113 | + <ul class="changes bgimages16"> |
| 114 | + <li class="imageadd">The syndicate uplink is now complete with a new spooky background. Very neat!</li> |
| 115 | + </ul> |
| 116 | + <h3 class="author">DoctorDrugs updated:</h3> |
| 117 | + <ul class="changes bgimages16"> |
| 118 | + <li class="rscadd">Adds additional roundstart miner slots and the additional gear required for them to do their jobs</li> |
| 119 | + </ul> |
| 120 | + <h3 class="author">Fox McCloud updated:</h3> |
| 121 | + <ul class="changes bgimages16"> |
| 122 | + <li class="bugfix">Fixes being able to sharpen toy double-bladed energy swords</li> |
| 123 | + </ul> |
| 124 | + <h3 class="author">IAmBigCoat updated:</h3> |
| 125 | + <ul class="changes bgimages16"> |
| 126 | + <li class="tweak">Added explosion warnings to medbeams, because medbeams can cause explosions. DON'T CROSS THE BEAMS!</li> |
| 127 | + </ul> |
| 128 | + <h3 class="author">Ionward updated:</h3> |
| 129 | + <ul class="changes bgimages16"> |
| 130 | + <li class="bugfix">Fixed vox jester uniform not appearing correctly.</li> |
| 131 | + <li class="imageadd">species specific fit underwear for greys</li> |
| 132 | + </ul> |
| 133 | + <h3 class="author">KasparoVy updated:</h3> |
| 134 | + <ul class="changes bgimages16"> |
| 135 | + <li class="rscadd">Re-adds the ability to see in the dark. Adds overlays for each level of darksight (>=8,7,6,5,4,3,<=2).</li> |
| 136 | + </ul> |
| 137 | + <h3 class="author">Kyep updated:</h3> |
| 138 | + <ul class="changes bgimages16"> |
| 139 | + <li class="rscadd">Round time (h:mm) and station security level (green/red/blue/etc) are now visible on our server hub entry.</li> |
| 140 | + <li class="tweak">Round time is now visible to all player-controlled mobs in their status panel (including simple animals).</li> |
| 141 | + <li class="tweak">Admins using the 'MOST' attack log setting no longer see player-v-NPC combat, or any attack logs generated in the admin room, admin testing area, thunderdome arena, or lavaland syndicate base. Prevents admins being spammed with attack logs.</li> |
| 142 | + <li class="tweak">Heads of department may now issue department-specific medals to members of their department.</li> |
| 143 | + </ul> |
| 144 | + <h3 class="author">Markolie updated:</h3> |
| 145 | + <ul class="changes bgimages16"> |
| 146 | + <li class="rscadd">Humans and mice that are secretly blobs now have an antagHUD icon.</li> |
| 147 | + <li class="tweak">All hivemind languages now display follow links to ghosts.</li> |
| 148 | + <li class="bugfix">Announcements, whispers (with ghost ears) and cultist messages are no longer displayed in the lobby.</li> |
| 149 | + <li class="bugfix">The sentience event no longer triggers a huge number of ghost polling messages.</li> |
| 150 | + <li class="bugfix">When xenomorphs are damaged, their health HUD now updates properly.</li> |
| 151 | + <li class="bugfix">Custom title for ghost notifications now work properly.</li> |
| 152 | + <li class="bugfix">Fixed double admin commands in the grenade priming message.</li> |
| 153 | + <li class="tweak">Ghosts will now always see whispers/zero pressure speaking if they're on the screen with the mob speaking.</li> |
| 154 | + <li class="tweak">Ghosts with ghost sight enabled will no longer see emotes from clientless mobs.</li> |
| 155 | + <li class="rscadd">The prison labor point system has been refactored so it works properly.</li> |
| 156 | + <li class="rscadd">Plating can now be removed (exposing the baseturf) using a welder.</li> |
| 157 | + <li class="rscadd">All remaining Lavaland ruins have been ported over from /tg/.</li> |
| 158 | + <li class="rscadd">All chairs on shuttles have been replaced with brand new shuttle chairs.</li> |
| 159 | + <li class="rscadd">Tribal splints have been added to the game, which can be crafted with two bones and one piece of sinew.</li> |
| 160 | + <li class="rscadd">The Lavaland Syndicate base now has a defibrillator and mounted defibrillator. The animal hospital now has a mounted defibrillator.</li> |
| 161 | + <li class="tweak">The Ash Walker storage area now comes with an advanced medkit instead of a regular one and one set of medical splints. It also comes with aloe vera, comfrey and wheat seeds.</li> |
| 162 | + <li class="tweak">The water tank in the Ash Walker nest has been replaced with a puddle.</li> |
| 163 | + <li class="tweak">The items in vending machines on the beach ruin and animal hospital are now free.</li> |
| 164 | + <li class="bugfix">Fixed an issue where slimes wouldn't take damage from water in space.</li> |
| 165 | + <li class="bugfix">It is no longer possible to unanchor the surivval pod storage units.</li> |
| 166 | + <li class="bugfix">Drinking from a beaker now only applies the effect of five units of the ingested chemical, instead of the entire volume of the beaker.</li> |
| 167 | + <li class="bugfix">Resolved an issue where beaker attack logs were reversed.</li> |
| 168 | + <li class="bugfix">Moving through portals very quickly no longer breaks movement.</li> |
| 169 | + </ul> |
| 170 | + <h3 class="author">Quantum-M updated:</h3> |
| 171 | + <ul class="changes bgimages16"> |
| 172 | + <li class="rscadd">New sprites for vampires being "hungry".</li> |
| 173 | + <li class="rscadd">New sprite for vampire usable blood count.</li> |
| 174 | + <li class="rscadd">New sprites for the safety muzzle.</li> |
| 175 | + <li class="tweak">Safety muzzle (aka the anti-bitting one) can no longer be resisted out of.</li> |
| 176 | + <li class="tweak">Vampires can now suck blood from monkey mobs (e.g. monkeys, stoks, etc.) for sustenance but do not get blood power points.</li> |
| 177 | + <li class="rscdel">RnD is no longer able to print out any telescience boards.</li> |
| 178 | + </ul> |
| 179 | + <h3 class="author">SteelSlayer updated:</h3> |
| 180 | + <ul class="changes bgimages16"> |
| 181 | + <li class="rscadd">Gives vampire thralls an objective, which can be viewed in their notes</li> |
| 182 | + <li class="tweak">Increases the size of the enthralling message seen by newly created vampire thralls</li> |
| 183 | + <li class="tweak">Vampire thralls are now stunned briefly (about 3 seconds) upon being enthralled</li> |
| 184 | + <li class="bugfix">The AI's robot control window now allows you to see and interact with available bots again</li> |
| 185 | + </ul> |
| 186 | + <h3 class="author">TDSSS updated:</h3> |
| 187 | + <ul class="changes bgimages16"> |
| 188 | + <li class="tweak">cult teleport runes and similar powers now work on z levels 9-12</li> |
| 189 | + </ul> |
| 190 | + <h3 class="author">Tayyyyyyy updated:</h3> |
| 191 | + <ul class="changes bgimages16"> |
| 192 | + <li class="tweak">Inputs sanitized</li> |
| 193 | + <li class="bugfix">autocomplete input mishandling single quotes (you can teleport to Wizard's den now)</li> |
| 194 | + <li class="bugfix">newlines not working in CC announcements</li> |
| 195 | + <li class="bugfix">players not being able to send single quotes in ahelps or PMs</li> |
| 196 | + <li class="bugfix">robots not being able to pick their name</li> |
| 197 | + </ul> |
| 198 | + <h3 class="author">TheSardele updated:</h3> |
| 199 | + <ul class="changes bgimages16"> |
| 200 | + <li class="tweak">Lowers throwforce of drinking cartons from 15 to 0</li> |
| 201 | + <li class="bugfix">Bees no longer inject venom when nuzzling</li> |
| 202 | + <li class="bugfix">Sec pod pilots can now spawn with the loadout security armbands</li> |
| 203 | + <li class="bugfix">It is no longer possible to raise zero to -infinity fingers using the *signal emote</li> |
| 204 | + <li class="bugfix">Earmuffs now properly protect you from vampire screeches no matter what you are wearing on your other ear</li> |
| 205 | + </ul> |
| 206 | + <h3 class="author">Ty-Omaha updated:</h3> |
| 207 | + <ul class="changes bgimages16"> |
| 208 | + <li class="tweak">Reworded permanent bans to non-expiring bans.</li> |
| 209 | + <li class="bugfix">Door remotes now add to admin-only hidden fingerprint list</li> |
| 210 | + <li class="tweak">Gave plastic surgery to line 364 of atoms.dm</li> |
| 211 | + </ul> |
| 212 | + <h3 class="author">and DominikPanic updated:</h3> |
| 213 | + <ul class="changes bgimages16"> |
| 214 | + <li class="bugfix">Limits IC notes</li> |
| 215 | + </ul> |
| 216 | + <h3 class="author">datlo updated:</h3> |
| 217 | + <ul class="changes bgimages16"> |
| 218 | + <li class="tweak">Free Golems are now a lavaland ruin spawn instead of a space ruin spawn.</li> |
| 219 | + <li class="tweak">Free Golems must now purchase their shuttle board for 2000 mining points before being able to fly their shuttle.</li> |
| 220 | + <li class="rscadd">Added a shuttle recall console at the golem lavaland spawn point so that golems can always recall the shuttle back to lavaland</li> |
| 221 | + <li class="tweak">The Free Golem Ship can now move to the Construction Site, the Derelict, or back to their Lavaland spawn.</li> |
| 222 | + <li class="tweak">The Free Golem Ship has been redesigned with an open floor plan, removing most of its interior walls for extra space.</li> |
| 223 | + <li class="tweak">Free Golems no longer get a free kinetic accelerator on their ship.</li> |
| 224 | + <li class="tweak">New crit species with below -100 health will be considered dead for hijack purposes, and will not interrupt a shuttle hijack attempt.</li> |
| 225 | + <li class="bugfix">Fix some cases of traitors getting conflicting objectives, such as assassinating and protecting the same target.</li> |
| 226 | + </ul> |
| 227 | + <h3 class="author">farie82 updated:</h3> |
| 228 | + <ul class="changes bgimages16"> |
| 229 | + <li class="bugfix">Beepsky will now respect your disguise again. No more looking right through that gasmask</li> |
| 230 | + <li class="bugfix">Medical and security HUDs now use the correct way to identify somebody. They will see the same as you do on your screen.</li> |
| 231 | + <li class="bugfix">You will now get a job icon in the sec HUD when you use your PDA as ID. It'll use the PDA's assigned job.</li> |
| 232 | + <li class="tweak">Ticket takes now ask for confirmation if you want to take an already assigned ticket.</li> |
| 233 | + <li class="rscadd">Blindfolds are now craftable from 3 cloth. For those vampire prisoners you want to keep in check</li> |
| 234 | + <li class="tweak">Empty beaker button from the PANDEMIC is now replaced with Empty and eject beaker</li> |
| 235 | + <li class="rscadd">List AFK players is now a verb for admins to use</li> |
| 236 | + <li class="rscadd">Adds the AFK auto cryo system. By default it won't affect players unless they activate it themselves by setting the preference in their game preferences tab.</li> |
| 237 | + <li class="bugfix">The syndicate can't use meta warfare no more. Advanced pinpointers no longer crash the server</li> |
| 238 | + </ul> |
| 239 | + <h3 class="author">iantine updated:</h3> |
| 240 | + <ul class="changes bgimages16"> |
| 241 | + <li class="rscadd">Mouse suicide</li> |
| 242 | + </ul> |
| 243 | + <h3 class="author">improvedname updated:</h3> |
| 244 | + <ul class="changes bgimages16"> |
| 245 | + <li class="rscadd">adds lasagna</li> |
| 246 | + </ul> |
| 247 | + <h3 class="author">kazboo updated:</h3> |
| 248 | + <ul class="changes bgimages16"> |
| 249 | + <li class="tweak">changed the display name shown to a player upon being frozen in a manner that only the admins ckey is displayed, not the character name along with it</li> |
| 250 | + </ul> |
| 251 | + |
59 | 252 | <h2 class="date">08 July 2019</h2>
60 | 253 | <h3 class="author">Arkatos updated:</h3>
61 | 254 | <ul class="changes bgimages16">
0 commit comments