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Automatic Reparameterisation in Probabilistic Programming

This directory contains code for the paper "Automatic Reparameterisation in Probabilistic Programming", submitted to AABI 2018. This includes interceptors to transform Edward2 programs into non-centered or partially non-centered parameterizations, code for interleaved HMC (iHMC) and Variationally Inferred Parameterisation (VIP), and infrastructure for running experiments, including the models and data used in the paper.


The script is the main entry point. For example, to evaluate the German credit model with four leapfrog steps per sample, you might run (from the toplevel google_research directory):

python -m edward2_autoreparam.run_experiments --method=baseline --model=german_credit_lognormalcentered --num_leapfrog_steps=4 --num_mc_samples=16 --num_optimization_steps=2000 --num_samples=50000 --burnin=8000 --num_adaptation_steps=6000 --results_dir=/tmp/results
python -m edward2_autoreparam.run_experiments --method=vip --model=german_credit_lognormalcentered --num_leapfrog_steps=4 --num_mc_samples=16 --num_optimization_steps=2000 --num_samples=50000 --burnin=8000 --num_adaptation_steps=6000 --results_dir=/tmp/results

Available options are:

  • method:
    • vip
    • vip_iaf (runs VIP with an inverse autoregressive flow rather than mean-field normal posterior)
    • baseline (runs CP-HMC, NCP-HMC, and iHMC)
  • model: radon_stddvs, radon, german_credit_lognormalcentered, german_credit_gammascale, and 8schools
  • dataset (used only for radon models): MA, IN, PA, MO, ND, MA, or AZ

Each run will save results as Python pickle files to the specified directory /tmp/results. To generate human-readable analysis, run

python -m edward2_autoreparam.analyze_results --results_dir=/tmp/results --model_and_dataset=german_credit_lognormalcentered_na
cat /tmp/results/analysis/german_credit_lognormalcentered_na_analysis.txt
