Run the following:
virtualenv -p python3 .
source ./bin/activate
pip3 install -r group_agnostic_fairness/requirements.txt
The data provided in the './group_agnostic_fairness/data/toy_data directory is dummy, and is only for testing the code. For meaningful results, please follow the steps below.
Download the COMPAS dataset from: and save it in the './group_agnostic_fairness/data/compas' folder.
Run './group_agnostic_fairness/data_utils/CreateCompasDatasetFiles.ipynb' notebook to process the dataset, and create files required for training.
Download the Adult train and test data files can be downloaded from: and save them in the './group_agnostic_fairness/data/uci_adult' folder.
Run './group_agnostic_fairness/data_utils/CreateLawSchoolDatasetFiles.ipynb' notebook to process the dataset, and create files required for training.
Download the Law School dataset from: (, convert SAS file to CSV, and save it in the ./group_agnostic_fairness/data/law_school folder.
Run CreateLawSchoolDatasetFiles.ipynb to process the dataset, and create files required for training.
To generate various synthetic datasets used in the paper run './group_agnostic_fairness/data_utils/CreateUCISyntheticDataset.ipynb' notebook.
Training and evaluation for the adversarial robust learning model can be run as:
python -m group_agnostic_fairness/main_trainer
Refer to the test cases in <model_name> files to understand the workflow.
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