This md will show you how to integrate compute graph & shape engine to a cpp based inference engine.
The integration will reduce the engine's work by a lot while supporting dynamic runtime input shapes.
import onnx_tool
resnetinfo = {
'name': 'data/public/resnet18-v1-7.onnx',
'data': [1, 3, 'h', 'w']
'h': (224, 299),
'w': (224, 299),
shape_engie, compute_graph = onnx_tool.model_shape_regress(resnetinfo['name'], resnetinfo['input_desc'],
onnx_tool.serialize_graph(compute_graph, '')
onnx_tool.serialize_shape_engine(shape_engie, '')
The file '' contains compute graph information.
The file '' contains shape engine structure. They will be used by the cpp graph loader and shape engine
Tested models: ResNet18, GPT-2, Bert
To keep this repo simple and clean, please refer to my new repo: shape-engine-cpp