The EPFL logic synthesis libraries are a collection of modular open source C++ libraries for the development of logic synthesis applications. All libraries are well documented and well tested. Being header-only, the libraries can be readily used as core components in complex logic synthesis frameworks. This showcase repository presents several applications in which the libraries are used.
alice: C++ command shell library
GitHub | Version 0.1 (Jan 11, 2018) | Documentation
maintained by Mathias Soeken
kitty: C++ truth table library
GitHub | Version 0.3 (Feb 25, 2018) | Documentation
maintained by Mathias Soeken
lorina: C++ parsing library
GitHub | Version 0.1 (Apr 27, 2018) | Documentation
maintained by Heinz Riener
percy: C++ exact synthesis library
GitHub | Version 0.1.1 (May 07, 2018)
maintained by Winston Haaswijk
abc: A tiny ABC clone that uses alice for creating the CLI shell
countluts: Count and classify LUT functions in a BENCH file
exactmine: Mine optimum Boolean networks from truth tables