Make sure your contribution isn't already a planned feature or has already been fixed by checking the issues first.
Fork this project.
Find an issue to fix or create a new issue if you want to propose a feature. Generally speaking, everyone wants features. I'm only going to merge features that have 2 or more +1, otherwise this project will fill up with lots of randomly stuff.
Write your codez, make sure you add tests. Check out the "development" section below.
Submit a descriptive pull request that is up to date with the master branch.
We'll accept it and add it to production!
Once you have downloaded the project, look at the Makefile to see a list of useful shortcut commands.
In order to get started run:
make install
make build
make load_data
To run the server locally run:
make serve
If you add new data then you can dump it out using the following command:
make dumpdata
To run tests:
make test
NOTE: pull requests will not be accepted if they do not pass tests or have no new tests for new features.
- resources
All API resource models, serializers and schemas are found here.
- swapi
All Django configuration, templates and static files are found here.