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The Nearest Neighbor application computes the nearest location to a specific 
latitude and longitude for a number of hurricanes (data from:

The Makefile may need to be adjusted for different machines, but it was written for Mac OS X and
Linux with either NVIDIA or AMD OpenCL SDKs.

The hurricane data is located in a number of data files that are copied into the working
directory by the Makefile.  A separate text file lists the names of the data files that
will be used, and it is this text file that should be passed to the application (see usage, below).

Nearest Neighbor Usage

nearestNeighbor [filename] -r [int] -lat [float] -lng [float] [-hqt] [-p [int] -d [int]]

$ ./nearestNeighbor filelist.txt -r 5 -lat 30 -lng 90

filename     the filename that lists the data input files
-r [int]     the number of records to return (default: 10)
-lat [float] the latitude for nearest neighbors (default: 0)
-lng [float] the longitude for nearest neighbors (default: 0)

-h, --help   Display the help file
-q           Quiet mode. Suppress all text output.
-t           Print timing information.

-p [int]     Choose the platform (must choose both platform and device)
-d [int]     Choose the device (must choose both platform and device)

Notes: 1. The filename is required as the first parameter.
       2. If you declare either the device or the platform,
          you must declare both.