- Data Various fixes and corrections (thanks lenaleciel, msprijatelj)
- Mech Hangar Corrects buggy loadout saving (thanks msprijatelj!) #2138
- Compendium Updates Pilot Gear headers (thanks msprijatelj!) #2141
- Compendium Enable NPC search by class (thanks super-salad!) #2102
- Compendium Improve email validation regex (thanks super-salad!) #2119 #2128
- Active Mode Fix Full Tech usage (thanks super-salad!) #2088 #2093 #2094
- Misc Redirect help page to new Wiki troubleshooter (thanks msprijatelj!) #2110
- Misc Prevent refresh on v-form submit(thanks msprijatelj!) #2122
- Mech Hangar Add toggle for system reorder (thanks super-salad!) #2095
- Statblock Improve output capitalization (thanks msprijatelj!)
- Sign In require e-mail for verification code functions (thanks super-salad!) #2061
- UI Remove references to Roll20 (thanks msprijatelj!)
- Active Mode Filter actions based on LCP Active status (thanks super-salad!) #2025 #2076
- Pilot Mode use Pilot as MechSkillController.Parent (thanks msprijatelj!) #2070
- Active Mode fix indestructible tag typo (thanks msprijatelj!) #2066
- Cloud Syncing fix permanent deletion function #2074 #1977 #1976
- Pilot Mode improve Bond saving reliability #2055
- Mech Hangar Add editable system order (thanks super-salad!) #1828
- Mech Hangar Add "redeploy" action to deployables (thanks msprijatelj!)
- Mech Sheet Mechs should now correctly save changed equipment on reload/when logged out. Thanks to msprijatelj for the help! #1989
- Active Mode Correct a bug that was preventing all actions from being populated and not respecting their correct use state #2005 #2037
- Help Menu Update help menu options #2001
- Active Mode Improve Overcharge Pip determination (thanks msprijatelj!)
- Cloud Improve sign-up/in reliability (thanks msprijatelj!)
- Pilot Sheet Fixed failing import for Pilots with Bond data being imported into environments without the KTB LCP installed #2007
- Global Improved Keyboard accesibility ((thanks Qazzquimby! First PR! 🎉) #1557
- Pilot Sheet Revised Statblock Generator (thanks karidyas!) #1887
- LCP Importer Humanize Reserves/Factions (thanks msprijatelj!) #1557
- Nav Add Help Icon, FAQ links, style fixes (thanks msprijatelj!) #2033
- Pilot Sheet Changed Bonds page to better reflect the KTB update #1985 #1937 #1920
- Compendium Fix Compendium item card spacing (thanks msprijatelj!) #1986
- Mech Sheet Mech nav returns to Tactical Profile instead of Narrative (thanks karidyas! First PR! 🎉 ) #1973
- Pilot Sheet Prevent remote pilots from regenerating share codes (thanks msprijatelj!) #1970
- Mech Sheet Fix equipment from taking a default custom name #1973
- Active Mode Fix GetOrganized behavior (thanks super-salad! First PR! 🎉 ) #1973
- Pilot Roster Fix Remote pilots getting incorrectly flagged for deletion #1961
- Mech Sheet Better Tag display for multi-profile weapons #1959
- Mech Hangar AND logic for frame filtering (thanks msprijatelj!) #1966
- Active Mode Fix reserve bonuses not being added correctly (thanks TranslucentSabre!) #1819
- Pilot Sheet Serialize Pilot Gear correctly (thanks msprijatelj!) #1948
- Main Menu Fix Main Menu log spacing (thanks msprijatelj!)
- Pilot Sheet Change Share icon to get around some aggressive adblockers
- Pilot Roster Add Share Dialog to pilot options menu #1955
- Active Mode Fix Bonuses not being applied to Deployables #1953
- Cloud Account Enforce lowercase e-mails, retry failed calls with enforced lowercase #1960 #1951
- Mech Sheet Fix Integrated Equipment loading and serialization #1952 #1915
- Pilot/Mech Sheet Fix reserve bonuses not being added correctly (thanks msprijatelj!) #1938
- Pilot Sheet Initialize Pilot Gear correctly (thanks msprijatelj!) #1840
- LCP Importer Add Bonds to human-readable map (thanks msprijatelj!)
- NPC Sheet Fix NPC Images #1945
- Mech Sheet Fix Integrated equipment losing state #1915
- Active Mode Add option to complete mission without saving combat telemetry #1825
- Various A handful of hotfixes to correct bugs.
- Mech Sheet "Sourceless" logos should no longer display a broken image #1842
- Pilot Sheet Pilot gear custom data changes should now correctly save in all cases #1840
- Compendium Item filters now respect weapon profile tags #1821
- Pilot Sheet Fix missing HASE reset method #1924
- Pilot Sheet Initialize Bond ideal and answer fields #1923
- Pilot Sheet Fix LL0 Bond warning from blocking classic sheet view #1922
- Pilot Sheet Talent view setting now saves #1921
- Log-In Process Make Verification/Lost Password more visible #1864
- Pilot Roster Preserve Pilot Group status (thanks TranslucentSabre!)
- Encounters Correctly display sitrep (thanks TranslucentSabre!) #1843 #1886
- Global Change "Encounter" durations to "Scene" (thanks msprijatelj!) #1894
- Global Fix missing NPC CounterController (thanks msprijatelj!)
- Pilot Sheet Added Bonds UI
- Various A handful of hotfixes to correct bugs.
- Mech Sheet Corrected a bug that prevented most synergies from being displayed #1919
- Mech Sheet Corrected a bug with the TalentController in Active Mode #1916
- Pilot Roster Corrected a bug that was preventing the Pilot Roster view from being changed #1917
- Pilot Roster Added mass pilot delete button at the bottom of the page
- Various A handful of hotfixes to correct bugs.
- Mech Sheet Corrected an error in the Bonus controller that was preventing some mechs from being saved #1910
- Compendium Added tooltips to available mounts within frames Compendium (Thanks ChrstphrHll! First PR! 🎉) #1897
- Various A handful of hotfixes to correct bugs in the Pilot Roster, with integrated equipment, and with LCP parsing.
- Content Manager Added missing Reserves importer #1899
- Global Rebuilt Cloud Account interface and management system #1891 #1870 #1823 #1804 #1763 #1776 #1725 #1724 #1701
- Global Added new Cloud share/share code system #1879
- Global Added LCP analyzer to find and isolate unloadable content #1870 #1811 #1666 #1599 #1540 #700
- Global Added data recovery tools
- Global Implemented delta save scheme
- Global Implemented component-controller pattern in preparation for GM changes
- Compendium Bonds data as part of a LCP will load to the Compendium. Bonds UI is coming soon.
- Main Menu Fixed bad loading cascade when dealing with theme changes #1861
- Global Implemented new image hosting strategy to save on bandwidth costs
- Global Provide Alternative Display option for CORS-compliant SVGs (thanks, msprijatelj!)#1852
- Compendium Various changes and fixes, thanks to msprijatelj, perijove, and lenaleciel
- Mech Cover optional damage/range cases (thanks, msprijatelj!)#1876
- Mech Fix serviceworker and UI issues (thanks, msprijatelj!)#1865
- Mobile UI Correct mobile view padding (thanks, wilt00!)#1869
- Mobile UI Fix PWA settings (thanks, wilt00!)#1867
- LCP Enable new LCP metadata hosting method
- LCP Enable LCP Background import humanized info text (thanks, msprijatelj!)#1858
- Compendium Change tag search logic to AND (thanks, msprijatelj!)#1860
- Homepage Fix bug with HORUS homepage theme (thanks, msprijatelj!)#1829
- Global Performance-centric overhaul of some of COMP/CON's internals. Should be a much lighter (and faster!) app now
- Pilot Sheet Prevented setting negative LLs (thanks msprijatelj!) #1826
Thanks to msprijatelj for these updates!
- Pilot Sheet add basic pilot stats to Dossier #1765
- Pilot Sheet fix number spacing over icons in Print mode #1768
- Pilot Sheet block pilot registration when quickstart is off #1762
- Pilot Sheet Refactor Pilot groups for performance & roster improvements #1713#1709#1611
- Cloud Use CSS filters to color non-svg manufacturer icons #1757
- Mech Sheet enable all synergies for "???" type weapons #1754
- Cloud corrects a set of annoying (but ultimately harmless) errors when a new cloud user logs in for the first time#1642
- Mech Sheet temporarily hide duration chips for Core Systems (thanks, msprijatelj!)#1756
- Active Mode fix pilot HP ticker during ActiveRest (thanks, msprijatelj!)#1753
- Active Mode fix typos in Structure and Stress references (thanks, msprijatelj!)#1752
- Active Mode fix Full Tech Action availability#1755
- Cloud Update and add manual data pull from cloud, improve cloud UI (thanks, msprijatelj!)#1745
- Global Adds some background changes for the experimental LCP editor
- Compendium correct overheating table text #1748
- Active Mode allow integrated systems to be destroyed on system trauma #1749
- Active Mode actually repect action refresh in active mode (thanks, msprijatelj!)#1744
- Active Mode limited uses initialize to correct maximum (thanks, msprijatelj!)#1729
- Active Mode reset self-destruct counter on repair, mech change (thanks, msprijatelj!)#1730
Massive thanks to msprijatelj, who is responsible for all of the following updates, as well as a slew of LCP data
- Pilot Sheet Quick pilot creation mode (enable in Options) #1707
- Pilot Sheet Improve Vault Code UX #1696
- Global Better manage login status #1694
- Global Overwrite cloud data on data wipe/bulk import #1712
- Mech Hangar Correct missing ActiveMech errors #1699
- Mech Sheet Fix overcropped Frame art #1693
- Mech Sheet Handle increased Mech sizes #1688
- Global Add additional LCP indicators (thanks, TranslucentSabre!) #1649
- Pilot Sheet Add more Mech names (thanks ArcanErasmus ! First PR! 🎉) #1649
- Pilot Roster Upgrade pilot importing when pilots are in groups (thanks, msprijatelj!) #1651
- Pilot Sheet Correct serialization of WeaponUses (thanks, msprijatelj!) #1649
- Pilot Sheet cast Tag vals as numbers, use profile tags (thanks, msprijatelj!) #1655
- Pilot Roster Clarify version mismatch import errors, closes #1646
- Compendium Corrected display of LCP SVG graphics (thanks msprijatelj!), closes #1618
- Active Mode Sync data at the end of each turn (thanks TranslucentSabre!), closes #1621 #1622
- Mech Sheet Fixes a typo which prevented the weapon types from being displayed when printing a character's mech. (thanks TranslucentSabre!), closes #1617
- Pilot Sheet Adds Damage and Range to the Bombardment Reserve (thanks msprijatelj!), closes #1629
- Mech Sheet Enable icons on the Integrated Weapon mount for Remove/Change Item, since Integrated Weapon allows for weapon selection unlike other integrated mounts. (thanks msprijatelj!), closes #1638
- Mech Sheet Adds a Pilot Sheet option from the mech sheet in the nav options on mobile, bringing it in line with the desktop version. (thanks msprijatelj!), closes #1645
- Pilot Sheet Enable Pilot Roster reordering within groups (thanks msprijatelj!), closes #1625
Huge thanks to TranslucentSabre and msprijatelj!
- Active Mode Auto-roll some dice in Active Mode (thanks TranslucentSabre!), closes #1551
- Active Mode Fix Pilot HP setting UI, closes #1616
- Content Manager Fix name and version sorting in the Content Manager, closes #1596
- Mech Sheet Add tooltips to the Mech Sheet Nav bar buttons (thanks Macrophaje! First PR! 🎉), closes #1615
- Mission Runner Allow for overwriting active mech on a synced pilot (thanks TranslucentSabre!), closes #1612
- Vault Correctly handle case in vault codes (thanks TranslucentSabre!), closes #1606
- Compendium Load static images for homebrew manufacturers (thanks msprijatelj!), closes #1598
- Pilot Sheet Allow LL0 Pilots to select bonus skill triggers (thanks msprijatelj!), closes #1602
- Pilot Sheet Allow scroll-on-click behavior for LL0 Pilot selectors (thanks msprijatelj!), closes #1608
- Pilot Sheet Fix Skill Focus (thanks msprijatelj!), closes #1589
- Mech Sheet Correct stat scaling when max stat increases via Bonuses (thanks msprijatelj!), closes #1586
A massive thanks to Valkyrion for the massively helpful bug squashing this week! All features and fixes this update are theirs unless otherwise noted.
- Compendium Changes the default sort of compendium entries for Mech-related items (frames, systems, and weapons) to book order of the manufacturers, for consistency with the Manufacturers, Licenses, and Core Bonuses pages, closes #1496
- Pilot Sheet Ensure sync on Pilot level-up, closes #1574
- Pilot Sheet Ensure sync on theme change, closes #1450
- Global Display LCP info where possible (thanks TranslucentSabre!) , closes #1571
- Pilot Sheet Disables the add-custom-skill button when the pilot cannot select more skills, closes #1580
- Misc Fixes the image-selector component incorrectly referencing a webhosted image as a local resource, closes #1439
- Pilot Sheet Fixes an issue that prevented the Prototype Weapon from dynamically updating, closes #1533
- Pilot Sheet/Mech Sheet Initalizes some tracked values to ensure they update dynamically, closes #1569
- Compendium Fix an issue that was preventing homebrew tags from functioning correctly on profiled weapons, closes #1482
- Pilot Sheet Fixes view scrolling on Talent selections, closes #1566
- Pilot Sheet Fixes view scrolling on Background selections, closes #1561
- Pilot Sheet Fixes 'Focus' Reserve to correctly grant skill trigger, closes #1549
- Pilot Sheet Correctly display Overpower Caliber in the export text block, closes #1483
- Pilot Sheet Re-orients Talent tooltips, closes #1560
- Compendium Remove 'Loading' from Barbarossa's Direct Fire, closes #1565
- Active Mode Correctly reset Orochi drones on Rest or Full Repair (beef), closes #1577
- Mobile View The remainder of the pilot-side app has been adapted to mobile view v1, closes #300
- Mech Sheet Add weapon size tooltips to mech mounts (thank you to tmncx0! First PR! 🎉)
- Pilot Roster: Fixes a bug where cloned or duplicated pilots were incorrectly preserving their Vault links to other users, closes #1546
- Pilot Roster: fix editing NPC Feature Names & Descriptions (thank you to Valkyrion! First PR! 🎉)
- Pilot Roster: fix missing pilot weapon equip button in list mode (also Valkyrion!)
- Cloud Storage Corrected vault storage issue that was preventing remotely-linked vault data from being correctly assigned to an account. This should fix missing remote data when moving to new devices, closes #1537
- Changelog: Rebuilt COMP/CON Changelog. Old log can be found at CHANGELOG_old.md, closes #1511
- Cloud Storage: Fix syncing issues with COMP/CON Account Vault contents, closes #1488 #1503
- Active Mode: Corrects an issue with duplicate deployment systems #1520
- Active Mode: Fixes an issue preventing the "skirmish" weapon profile property from working, allowing for eg. Leviathan skimish attacks in spin-down mode #1481