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Source code for MapZest system.

Here's a map of the various directories of the repository:

client -> unused folder
cybersec -> Java Client Source Code
database -> PostgreSQL Database Init Scripts
server -> unsued folder
user_management_web_app -> Python User Management App Source Code
CServer.c -> C Server file


Database Setup (PostgreSQL)

Requires PostgreSQL 11 or Higher

  1. Make sure the PostgreSQL daemon is running using the associated Linux command (Google this).

  2. Change directory to the database directory inside this project folder.

cd database
  1. Open the PostgreSQL command line interface psql using the following:
psql postgres
  1. Once inside the CLI program, run the following command to import all database tables and stored procedures/functions.
\i mapzest-postgresql-db-init.sql

User Management Web App (Python App) Setup

We used the mod_wsgi WSGI Apache Module interface to communicate with Apache. To install mod_wsgi on your system and get the app running, follow this tutorial:

After downloading, and building mod_wsgi, setup the Apache configuration file using the following lines outside of any virtual host config blocks:

# Setup site root to run the main application
WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/MapZest/user_management_web_app/

# Tell python the directory to search for other modules in
WSGIPythonPath "/path/to/MapZest/user_management_web_app:"

# Setup a Daemon Process to run the app and set current working directory app
# to be the project folder (the home option does this)
WSGIDaemonProcess user=aUser group=aUser processes=2 threads=25 home=/path/to/MapZest/user_management_web_app

Lastly, ensure that the user_management_web_app/lib/ file gets filled with your database credentials. Replace the line

POSTGRES_DB_CONNECT = "dbname=mapzest user=timarterbury"

with your credentials:

POSTGRES_DB_CONNECT = "dbname=mapzest user=myuser password=passwordstring"

C Server Setup

To run our C server, simply compile and run the C program:

gcc CServer.c -lpq

Java Client Setup

To run our Java Client, simply compile and run the Java program"

java JavaClient.Client


Database Usage

Resetting the Database

If anything ever goes wrong and you need to start fresh, make sure you are in the database directory and have the psql CLI open, then run:

\i mapzest-postgresql-db-teardown.sql
\i mapzest-postgresql-db-init.sql

Running Stored Procedures and Functions

  1. Brefly read through the documentation of function/procedure names and descriptions in the file database/mapzest-postgresql-db-init_procedures.sql. This will give you an idea of the preset actions you can do without needing to write out queries.

  2. To call a stored procedure marked as PROCEDURE in the source code, run the following in SQL:

CALL the_procedure_identifier (param_1, param_2, param_3);
  1. To call a stored function marked as FUNCTION in the source code, run the following in SQL:
SELECT * FROM the_function_identifier (param_1, param_2, param_3);

In summary, stored procedures are generally used for inserting or updating new information into the database, while stored functions are generally used for getting data from the database. Make sure to use the correct syntax between the two above for either a procedure or a function.

Setting Up Test Data

If you need to insert test data, one easy way to do this is with a SQL script which calls the stored procedures/functions needed to setup the state you want.

  1. Make a new SQL file in the database directory called mapzest-postgresql-db-init_debug_insertions_X.sql where X is replaced with the next number in the sequence of the files present in this directory.

  2. Write out the stored procedures you want to call in the order you want to call them. See mapzest-postgresql-db-init_debug_insertions_1.sql as an example of some test data you could make.

  3. Run the script to execute your test execution and add new content to the DB:

\i mapzest-postgresql-db-init_debug_insertions_X.sql

Here's a quick example which you could use to add a few users, make some friend connections, and update locations:

-- Connect to MapZest DB
\c mapzest

-- Inserts users with dummy passwords. If you need to test hashing, this will
-- NOT work and you will need to use the python script for this.
CALL create_user ('[email protected]', 'abc', 'abc');
CALL create_user ('[email protected]', 'abc', 'abc');
CALL create_user ('[email protected]', 'abc', 'abc');
CALL create_user ('[email protected]', 'abc', 'abc');

-- Make users friends
CALL set_user_friend_status ('[email protected]', '[email protected]', 'accepted');
CALL set_user_friend_status ('[email protected]', '[email protected]', 'accepted');

CALL set_user_friend_status ('[email protected]', '[email protected]', 'accepted');
CALL set_user_friend_status ('[email protected]', '[email protected]', 'accepted');

CALL set_user_friend_status ('[email protected]', '[email protected]', 'accepted');
CALL set_user_friend_status ('[email protected]', '[email protected]', 'accepted');

-- Set some locations
CALL set_user_active_location ('[email protected]', 38.43, 483.24);
CALL set_user_active_location ('[email protected]', 23.2343, 24.24);
CALL set_user_active_location ('[email protected]', 54.43, 29.24);
CALL set_user_active_location ('[email protected]', 3.43, 462.43);

User Management Web App (Python App) Usage

Using the web app is pretty simple. When you first visit the site, it will redirect you to the /login page. Here you can signup or login. First create a user with the signup dialog. You will need a username in the form of an email and a password at least 8 characters long. If successful signup occurs, you will be directed to a page that says your account was created and says it sent you an email. The email functionality has been disabled, so do not worry about this. Go back to the login page manually and attempt a login. If you successfuly login you will see a new page with Friend Requests, Friends, and Potential Friends. If you see nothing here, go create another user so you can friend them. When more users are present you can then send them friend requests and they can accept those requests. After this you will see them in your friend list along with their last set location. Friends can be removed at anytime. You can log out of a certain user by hitting the logout button.

Java Client Usage

To use the Java client simply follow the instructions in the CLI when you first run the program:

  • Type u For Updating Your Location
  • Type g For Getting Your Location
  • Type f For Getting a Friend's location
  • Type q To Quit