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Pxf Automation

Contains all the PXF automation tests for the various functionalities of PXF. The automation framework uses TestNg APIs and tools to complete automatic testing for PXF. Compiling and running TestNg test cases being used via maven. The Automation framework also exposes simple APIs for performing actions on services including GPDB, PXF, HDFS, HBase and Hive or to use utilities such data comparison, reading and writing files , using tools such pxf_regress for query analysis and more.


In order to run PXF automation tests the following are needed

  1. Running Hadoop cluster
  2. Running GPDB
  3. JRE 1.8

Build & Test

SSH Setup

The PXF automation project uses an old SSH2 Java library that does not support newer key exchange algorithms (KexAlgorithms). Newer operating systems such as MacOS 12+ and Debian's openssh-server package (1:8.4p1-5) do not enable support for these algorithms by default. You can check the supported algorithms with

sudo sshd -T | grep 'kexalgorithms' | grep -e diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 -e diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 -e diffie-hellman-group1-sha1

The following algorithms must be included:

  • diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
  • diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
  • diffie-hellman-group1-sha1

We also need to ensure that the rsa and dss key algorithms are accepted for both the host and public key authentication. If they are not, you can enable them with the following config file:

sudo tee -a /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/pxf-automation.conf >/dev/null <<EOF
# pxf automation uses an old SSH2 Java library that doesn't support newer KexAlgorithms
# this assumes that /etc/ssh/sshd_config contains "Include /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/*.conf"
# if it doesn't, try adding this directly to /etc/ssh/sshd_config
KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa,ssh-dss
PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms +ssh-rsa,ssh-dss

Then restart sshd based on your OS. For MacOS, either run in terminal

sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ssh.plist
sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ssh.plist

or go to System Preferences > Sharing and toggle Remote Login

For Linux, run

sudo systemctl reload ssh

Recheck the support algorithms before proceeding

sudo sshd -T | grep 'kexalgorithms' | grep -e diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 -e diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 -e diffie-hellman-group1-sha1

In addition to updating the sshd_config, you must have an RSA key for the local system (you're not still using RSA keys for SSH are you?)

# requires an id_rsa key in PEM format
# private key *must* be stored in id_rsa
ssh-keygen -m PEM -t rsa -b 4096 -C "pxf-automation"
cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

General Automation Setup

Set necessary Environment Vars

export GPHD_ROOT=<parent directory containing hadoop,hive,etc>
export PGPORT=<gpdb port>
export GPHOME=<your gphome>
export PXF_HOME=/usr/local/pxf

Run all tests for GPDB

make GROUP=gpdb

Run specific test

make TEST=<testclassname>

Run specific method from a test

make TEST=<testclassname>#<method>

If you wish to remote debug your PXF Automation test case, use the following:

PXF_TEST_DEBUG=true make TEST=<testclassname>

This will allow you to attach to port 5005 for debugging purposes. See IDE Setup (IntelliJ) and Automation Debugging for more details.

If you wish to run with cache

make OFFLINE=true

Note: If you get an error saying that the jar does not exist, ensure that you have

  1. installed the PXF server, and
  2. only have 1 jar file inside /usr/local/pxf/application/

Project structure

  • src/main/java - contains related classes and utilities for the test
  • src/test/java - contains the TestNG cases.
  • sqlrepo - contains SQL test cases.
  • src/main/java/org/greenplum/pxf/automation/components - contains all the supported services/components with simple API abstractions.

General Automation Architecture

TestNG is a powerful Java testing framework very similar to junit which supports several features like grouping, parallel run and test events listeners. You can read more about TestNG here

Guidelines for creating a new test for PXF automation

  1. Decide which category of run cycle (smoke/feature/load)
  2. Extend the right java class (according to the above test class hierarchy diagram)
  3. While implementing "smoke" test you can override three methods: prepareData, createTables and queryResults and then just call runTest method from your test case for running the three mentioned methods in that order. (see Example 1)
  4. Use pxf_regress framework to test GPDB query results (see below Add SQL Cases section)

Add SQL Cases

  • sqlrepo - root for PXF SQL test cases, the cases inside ordered in TestNg folders hierarchy
  • sql - sql files
  • expected- expected results matched to the sql files
  • output - output of run including diff files for each sql file

Test Examples

  1. Example 1 (Smoke case)

    public class HdfsSmokeTest extends BaseSmoke {
        String fileName = "hdfsSmallData.txt";
        protected void beforeClass() throws Exception {
        protected void prepareData() throws Exception {
             * Create Data and write it to HDFS
            Table dataTable = getSmallData();
            hdfs.writeTextFile(hdfs.getWorkingDirectory() + "/" + fileName, dataTable.getData(), ",");
        protected void createTables() throws Exception {
             * Create GPDB external table directed to the HDFS file
            exTable = TableFactory.getPxfReadableTextTable("pxf_smoke_small", new String[] {
                    "name text",
                    "num integer",
                    "dub double precision",
                    "longNum bigint",
                    "bool boolean" }, hdfs.getWorkingDirectory() + "/" + fileName, ",");
        protected void queryResults() throws Exception {
             * Run SQL "small data" test
        @Test(groups = "smoke")
        public void test() throws Exception {
  2. Example 2 (Feature case)

    public class HdfsReadableTextTest extends BaseFeature {
        // holds data for file generation
        Table dataTable = null;
        // path for storing data on HDFS
        String hdfsFilePath = "";
         * Before every method determine default hdfs data Path, default data, and default external
         * table structure. Each case change it according to it needs.
         * @throws Exception
        protected void beforeMethod() throws Exception {
            // path for storing data on HDFS
            hdfsFilePath = hdfs.getWorkingDirectory() + "/data";
            // prepare data in table
            dataTable = new Table("dataTable", null);
            FileFormatsUtils.prepareData(new CustomTextPreparer(), 100, dataTable);
            // default definition of external table
            exTable = new ReadableExternalTable("pxf_hdfs_small_data", new String[] {
                            "s1 text",
                            "s2 text",
                            "s3 text",
                            "d1 timestamp",
                            "n1 int",
                            "n2 int" }, hdfsFilePath, "TEXT");
         * Read delimited text file from HDFS using explicit plugins and TEXT format.
         * @throws Exception
        @Test(groups = { "features" })
        public void readDelimitedTextUsingTextFormat() throws Exception {
            // set plugins and delimiter
            // create external table
            // write data to HDFS
            hdfs.writeTableToFile(hdfsFilePath, dataTable, ",");
            // verify results
         * Verify deprecated "LineReaderAccessor" gives required results.
         * @throws Exception
        @Test(groups = "features")
        public void deprecatedLineReaderAccessor() throws Exception {
            // set plugins and delimiter
            // create external table
            // write data to HDFS
            hdfs.writeTableToFile(hdfsFilePath, dataTable, ",");
            // verify results

Run reports and logs

Automation logs will be generated into `automation-logs`` directory and will be divided into directories according to run Java classes.

In every <class> directory, there will be files according to the following format: <time-stamp>_<ran method name>.log

TestNg report will be generated into target/surefire-reports

IDE Setup (IntelliJ) and Automation Debugging

There are 2 flags that can be used to debug automation tests:

  1. PXF_TEST_KEEP_DATA - does not remove any test data after an automation test.
  2. PXF_TEST_DEBUG - will cause the automation application to wait for a debugger to attach to the session before proceeding.

Intelli Automation Debug Setup

In IntelliJ, create an Automation Debug configuration:

  1. Click Run > Edit Configurations
  2. Select '+', and pick 'Remote JVM Debug'
  3. Name the configuration Automation Debug and set the host to localhost and the port to 5005
  4. Set your breakpoints in the automation test of your choice.
  5. Run automation with PXF_TEST_DEBUG=true

PXF Server Debug during an Automation Debug

There are 2 different JVMs running when automation tests. The first is the automation application itself that can be debugged. The second is the PXF server that the automation suite is testing. Setting the PXF_TEST_DEBUG flag in the automation app will also set the flag PXF_DEBUG to enable debugging of the PXF server itself if the automation restarts PXF server during some of the tests. This is done so that a debugger can be connected to a PXF server restarted by the automation tests.

Follow the steps here to set up a PXF server debug configuration if it is not already done.

  1. Run automation with PXF_TEST_DEBUG=true to connect to the automation debug session.
  2. Attach to the automation debug session
  3. Add a breakpoint at the beginning of the automation test case you are running, or at the end of the beforeClass block to ensure that the PXF server debug session properly attaches
  4. Attach to the PXF server debug session
  5. Debug as you would normally.