In this directory you'll find the following tutorials, sorted by inceasing complexity:
- hello actor - Introduces the Framework by creating a new Actor
- hello world - Define your own simple Actor and a Callback
- printer actor starter - Create two actors that interact via message passing
- printer actor service - As example #3 but use the ServiceTag to register in the service index
- multi-callback - Use two different callback functions with a single Actor
- undelivered event management - why message passing/event delivery may fail and how to handle it.
- referenced and unreferenced actors - Introduces referenced actors and the same core invocation optimisation pattern.
- ping pong - Brings together earlier examples to create a two actor system with service discovery and two-way (asynchronous) communication.
- asynchronous exit - Demonstrates a controlled exit using requestDestroy()
- timer - Demonstrates a periodic timer using the timer_proxy class.
- asynchronous keyboard polling - Demonstrates the built-in keyboard actor, handling keypress events
- asynchronous tcp/http client & server - Demonstrates TCP and HTTP connector built-in actors
- cross thread bus - Demonstrates the integration of cooperative Actor with external services that are not so well-mannered. Can be used for integrating with thirdparty systems with their own eventloops and/or blocking services.
Each folder contains its own README file with further details.