LASTools compiled to a WebASM distribution, providing a convenient C/JS interface for LiDAR processing in the browser. See the web directory for the JS wrapper and an example.
LAStools: award-winning software for efficient LiDAR processing (with LASzip)
You find all individual LAStools in the .\LAStools\bin directory. Start them by double-clicking or run them in the DOS command line. The ArcGIS toolbox can be found in .\LAStools\ArcGIS_toolbox and the QGIS toolbox in .\LAStools\QGIS_toolbox. A few example DOS batch scripts can be found in the .\LAStools\example_batch_scripts directory.
user group: company page: latest updates: twitter feed: facebook page: linkedin group:
open source tools:
- laszip.exe compresses the LAS files in a completely lossless manner
- lasinfo.exe prints out a quick overview of the contents of a LAS file
- lasindex.exe creates a spatial index LAX file for fast spatial queries
- las2las.exe extracts last returns, clips, subsamples, translates, etc ...
- lasmerge.exe merges several LAS or LAZ files into a single LAS or LAZ file
- txt2las.exe converts LIDAR data from ASCII text to binary LAS format
- las2txt.exe turns LAS into human-readable and easy-to-parse ASCII
- lasprecision.exe analyses the actual precision of the LIDAR points
closed source tools:
lastool.exe is an old GUI for multiple LAStools (now each tool has its own GUI)
lasground.exe extracts the bare-earth by classifying all ground points
lasground_new.exe an improved version of lasground.exe for complex terrains
lasoverlap.exe checks overlap & vertical/horizontal alignment of flight lines
lascontrol.exe quality checks elevations for a list of control points
lasclassify.exe finds buildings and the vegetation above the ground
lascolor.exe colors the LAS points based on ortho imagery in TIF format
lasgrid.exe grids onto min/max/avg/std elevation, intensity, or counter rasters
lascanopy.exe computes many raster and plot metrics for forestry applications
lasboundary.exe extracts a boundary polygon that encloses the points
lasheight.exe computes for each point its height above the ground
lastrack.exe classifies LiDAR point based on distance from a trajectory
lasplanes.exe finds planar patches in terrestrial, mobile, (airborne?) scans
lasclip.exe clips points against building footprints / swath boundaries
lastile.exe tiles huge amounts of LAS points into square tiles
lassplit.exe splits points of LAS file(s) into flightlines or other criteria
lassort.exe sorts points by gps_time, point_source, or into spatial proximity
lasduplicate.exe removes duplicate points (with identical x and y, z optional)
lasthin.exe thins lowest / highest / random LAS points via a grid
las2tin.exe triangulates the points of a LAS file into a TIN
las2dem.exe rasters (via a TIN) into elevation/slope/intensity/rgb DEMs
las2iso.exe extracts, optionally simplified, elevation contours
lasview.exe visualizes a LAS file with a simple OpenGL viewer
las2shp.exe turns binary LAS into ESRI's Shapefile format
shp2las.exe turns an ESRI's Shapefile into binary LAS
BLAST extension
- blast2dem.exe rasters like las2dem but with streaming TINs for billions of points.
- blast2iso.exe contours like las2iso but with streaming TINs for billions of points.
For Windows all binaries are included. All open source tools can be compiled from the source code. For MSVC6.0 there is a project file. For Linux and MacOS the makefiles are included. Simply go into the root directory and run 'make':
unzip cd LAStools/ make
The compiled binary executables are or will be in the ./LAStools/bin directory.
Please read the "LICENSE.txt" file for information on the legal use and licensing of LAStools. I would also really like it if you would send me an email and tell me what you use LAStools for and what features and improvements you could need.
(c) 2007-2015 [email protected] -