MICA (Move Image Crops for Annotation) can be used to quickly classify objects such as species. However, the method does not classify all objects in a parent image; therefore, these data cannot be used for detection analysis. Here, the focus is on species, but the process is applicable to any classification scheme.
The MICA Process:
- Obtain imagery data of crops with context (see Imagery mgt and preprocessing)
- View images in a photo-viewing software like Infranview: https://www.irfanview.com/
- When you can identify a species:
- Move the image to your own folder & name the folder with the 4-letter species code followed by your initials e.g., BUFF_bp, COEI_bp Do NOT copy the image! Move the image so you do not id the same image again and again
- Consider if you want other taxonomic groups such as genus or family
- As a shortcut, you can move an image to a new folder in Infranview software by clicking F7 (recommended; else File > move). You can then specify a shortcut key to the correct folder.
- The MICA process focuses on species that you can identify. Not all species are identifiable via crops and that’s okay.
- When you have reach a good breakpoint, use photo-viewing software to double-check id of birds. For Infranview, open an image, set the zoom at 300-500% (see image below), and then go to View > Lock Zoom. Then you can simply use the arrow keys to run through all images in a folder. Use may also find it useful to use: File > thumbnails