It is the list of awesome sources, such as books 📗, links 🔗, github repos
and etc., that can be found useful in every developer's day 💻.
It is suitable for everyone who is finding sources to make their coding live easier. Also everyone, who wants to share something interesting and practical, is welcome to make pull request to this repository and share it with the rest of GitHub community.
- Craftwork - Interface assets for designers and startup creatives
- Flaarp - Beautiful and funny startup illustrations in the most popular UI subjects.
- Iconscout - Indian Doodle Illustration Pack
- - fully customizable icons and illustrations
- Shapefest - Isometric clay 3D icons
w3schools is great source to learn programming and train. Includes tutorials for programming languages, markup languages, their libraries and frameworks and some useful tools, such as GIT and SQL.
Sololearn - Learn coding, compete with other coders, achieve awards and publish them on LinkedIn.
- Codacy - Code review automatization servise.