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EZCAD3 (Easy Computer Aided Design Version3) Mechanical CAD Package

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EZCAD3: Easy (Mechanical) Computer Aided Design -- Version 3


EZCAD stands for Easy Computed Aided Design. EZCAD is a mechanical CAD (Computer Aided Design) system with an integrated mechanical CAM (Computer Aided Manufacture) system. The CAD system specifies the geometry of individual parts and how they are assembled together. The CAM system specifies the manufacturing steps required to make each individual part.

In EZCAD, the designer writes a program using the Python programming language. The python program is then executed to generate both the design visualization and all associated manufacturing files (e.g. .stl files for 3-printers, G-codes for CNC mills/lathes, .dxf files for laser printers, etc.) EZCAD does not include either a text editor or a visualization tool. Instead, the designer uses their preferred text editor (e.g. idle, emacs, vim, etc.) and they use their own preferred visualization tools (e.g. meshlab, etc.) Other tools are used to visualize generated manufacturing files.

In short, EZCAD is just a Python library that is executed to generate the various design files.

Downloading, Documentation, and Licensing


This package is distributed in source form from a git repository. To get a copy:

    git clone

In addition, this package needs a version of OpenSCAD. For those who use Linux distributions based on the Debian package system (e.g. Ubuntu, Mint, etc.), the following will do the trick:

    sudo apt-get install openscad

OpenSCAD is primarily used as a front-end to the wonderful CGAL(Computational Geometry Algorithms Library). In particular, OpenSCAD uses the Boolean 3D solids library embodied in the NEF3 sub-library of CGAL.

Detailed documentation of the Python classes and associated methods is maintained by Doxygen. For convenience, all of the generated Doxygen documentation is checked into the repository. If you want to generate Doxygen documentation locally, you need to download Doxygen I downloaded my copy via:

    sudo apt-get install doxygen


At the moment, the only documentation is this document and the Doxygen generated documentation.


In general, I really like Open Source Licenses. I have a slight preference of the GPL open source license, so that is what EZCAD3 is released under. I emulate the Free Software Foundation in that any code contributed to my code branch requires a copyright assignment. Professor Eben Moglen has written up a short explanation of Why the FSF gets copyright assignments from contributors. I strongly feel that having a unified copyright owner provides maximum protection for the open source software. While it is possible to get overly legalistic, I think the following is more that adequate to assign the copyright:


    I am assigning my modifications to EZCAD to
    Wayne C. Gramlich with the requirement that the code
    will continue to be released under the GPL version 3
    license or higher.


    {Your name here}

Enough on this legal stuff!

EZCAD Overview

In EZCAD, the most important Python class is the Part class. The Part class is used to both manufacture individual parts and to assemble the individual parts together into sub-assemblies.

In addition to the Part class there are bunch of utility classes. In alphabetical order, the utility classes are:

  • Angle is used to represent angles.

  • Color is used to represent a represent the color that an individual part is rendered as.

  • L is used to represent a length (e.g. mm, cm, inch, ft, etc.) (This type is shortened to "L" because is used so much.)

  • Material specifies what material a part is manufactured out of.

  • P is used to represent a point in a 3-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. (This type is shortened to "P" because is used so much.)

Each EZCAD class method validates that its arguments types are correct. (If you have ever heard of the "duck typing" design pattern, EZCAD most definitely does not use that particular design pattern.)

The CAM (Computer Aided Manufacture) portion of EZCAD is based on the following classes:

  • EZCAD is the global object that orchestrates the entire process.

  • Shop is the parent class that specifies all the available machines and associated machine tooling.

  • Machine is a specific machine such as a 3D-printer, laser-cutter, mill, lathe, drill press, etc.

  • Tool is a specific tool that can be loaded into a machine. These include drill bits, end-mills, etc.

The shop is specified independently from the part and sub-assembly file. The same part will generate different manufacturing files depending upon what machines and tooling is available in a given shop. Thus, different G-codes, .dxf files are generated depending upon what is available in the shop.

EZCAD operates in three distinct phases:

  • Part Initialization. This phase creates a hierarchical name space of parts and sub-assemblies.

  • Constraint Propagation. This phase propagates dimensional changes around the overall design. This process also keeps track of the bounding box for each individual part and sub-assembly.

  • Manufacture and Assembly. This phase generates the required manufacturing files needed for construct the various parts. This phase also specifies where Part's are placed in each sub-assembly.

Each phase is quickly discussed below:

Part Initialization Phase

Each user individual part is implemented as a Python class object that sub-classes the Part super class. As expected, the initialization phase occurs in the __init__() method. Each part has an up-level parent (abbreviated as "up"). The following code fragment shows how it is done:

    class My_Part(Part):

        def __init__(self, up):
            Part.__init__(self, up)      # Initialize *Part* super-class
            self.part1_ = Part1(self)    # Initialize *Part1*
            # ...
            self.partN_ = PartN(self)    # Initialize *PartN*

The first line initializes the Part super class with up as the up-level parent. The second and subsequent lines initialize the various sub-parts. By convention, each sub-Part is stored into self with a trailing "_" suffix. (There is more about suffixes shortly below.)

After initialization is complete, each Part can access any other Part in the design using standard Python dot (".") notation. For example, self.up.base_ will access the base_ Part of the parent to self.

Due to the nature of Python, the designer will be storing dimensional values into their Part's as member variables. EZCAD uses member variable suffixes to prevent accidental name clashes. Designers are required to use the standard suffixes listed below for their additional Part member variables:

  • "_": Part
  • "_a": Angle
  • "_c": Color
  • "_i": int (i.e. an integer number)
  • "_f": float (i.e. a floating point number)
  • "_l": L (i.e. a length)
  • "_m": Material
  • "_o": Some other type
  • "_s": str (i.e. string)
  • "_p": P (i.e. a point)
  • "_pl": Place

All designer defined member variables must end with one of the suffixes above.

Constraint Propagation Phase

Constraint propagation is what allows the designer to relatively easily resize a design. The constraint propagation phase occurs in a Part's construct() method. Constraint propagation occurs by repeatably calling the construct() method for each Part in the entire design. The construct() methods are repeatably called until none of the values with approved suffixes (e.g. "_l", "_p") change any more.

To further support constraint propagation, each Part maintains a bounding box for everything it contains. The bounding box uses an altitude/compass bearing naming convention. Using this convention, the X axis is uses East/Center/West names, the Y axis uses North/Center/South names, and the Z axis uses Top/Center/Bottom names. The following crude ASCII art should help to convey the concept.

                T  N (Y axis)
                | /
          W-----*-----E (X axis)
              / |
             S  B

The bounding box of a part defines box that consists of 3 by 3 by 3 points. There are three slices -- the top slice, the center slice, and bottom slice that are named as follows:

      tnw--tn---tne     nw----n----ne     bnw--bn---bne
      |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
      tw----t----tw     w-----c-----e     bw----b----bw
      |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
      tsw--ts---tse     sw----s----se     bsw--bs---bse
       (Top Slice)      (Center Slice)    (Bottom Slice)

The designer can easily access the various bounding box values using short concise member variable names. Thus, the tne member variable corresponds to the Top-North-West corner of the bounding box, c corresponds to the Center of the bounding box, and bw corresponds to the Bottom-West edge of the bounding box.

Using constraint propagation and bounding boxes, EZCAD encourages the use of an "assembly focused" design pattern where each Part is designed to fit precisely into the final assembly from the beginning. This is in contrast to the "part focused" design pattern where each part is individually designed and then subsequently fitted into the final assembly.

Manufacture and Assembly Phase

The manufacturing and assembly phase occurs last. EZCAD can generate manufacturing files for the following generic classes of machines:

  • 3D Printers (.stl file)

  • Laser Cutters (.dxf file)

  • CNC Mills and Lathes (.ngc file)

EZCAD uses encourages a "design for manufacture" design pattern. For each part, the designer specifies one or more appropriate machines that could be used to manufacture the part. While some parts can only be manufactured on a single machine class, others can be manufactured on more than one machine class. For example, a plastic plate that has some holes, inner cut outs, and a specific exterior contour can actually be manufactured on a CNC mill, laser cutter, or 3D printer. The decision of which machine to use is deferred until the actual part needs to be manufactured.

EZCAD uses a two step process for designing a part:

  • First, a bunch of material chunks (e.g. blocks, cylinders, extrusions, etc.) are "welded" together to provide a rough 3D chunk of material.

  • Second, a bunch of material removal operations (e.g. holes, pockets, exterior contour removal, etc.)

The details of these operations are described much further below.

After each part is designed, there is a final step of placing each part into the final assembly. A single part or sub-assembly can easily be replicated multiple times in the final assembly.

Once the final assembly is present, it can be viewed using the appropriate visualization tool. Currently, both VRML (i.e. .wrl files) and OpenSCAD (i.e. .scad files) are supported for visualization.

A Quick Example

The example below creates a plastic box with a cover, where the cover has a lip that keeps the cover centered over the box. We present the entire code body first then will describe what is happening on a chunk by chunk basis next:

    #!/usr/bin/env python

    from EZCAD3 import *   # The EZCAD (revision 3) classes:

    class Simple_Box(Part):

        def __init__(self, up, dx=L(mm=100.0), dy=L(mm=50.0),
          dz=L(25.0), wall_thickness=L(mm=5.0),
          material=Material("plastic", "ABS")):
            # Initialize the *Part*:
            Part.__init__(self, up)

            # Remember the initialization values:
            self.dx_l = dx
            self.dy_l = dy
            self.dz_l = dz
            self.wall_thickness_l = wall_thickness
            self.material_m = material

            # Instantiate the sub-*Part*'s:
            self.base_ = Simple_Box_Base(self)
            self.cover_ = Simple_Box_Cover(self)

        def construct(self):

    class Simple_Box_Base(Part):

        def __init__(self, up):
            Part.__init__(self, up)

        def construct(self):
            # Grab some values from *box*:
            box = self.up
            dx = box.dx_l
            dy = box.dy_l
            dz = box.dz_l
            wall_thickness = box.wall_thickness_l
            material = box.material_m

            # Add another member_variable:
            self.height_l = height = dz - wall_thickness
            zero = L()

            # Start with a solid block of the right dimensions:
            height = dz - wall_thickness
            self.block(comment = "Initial block of material",
              material = material,
              color = Color("blue"),
              corner1 = P(-dx/2, -dy/2, zero),
              corner2 = P( dx/2,  dy/2, height))

            # Pocket out the body of the box:
            self.simple_pocket(comment = "Box Pocket",
              corner1 = self.bsw + \
                P(wall_thickness, wall_thickness, wall_thickness),
              corner2 = self.tne - \
                P(wall_thickness, wall_thickness, zero),
              pocket_top = "t")

    class Simple_Box_Cover(Part):

        def __init__(self, up, place = True):
            Part.__init__(self, up, place)

        def construct(self):
            # Grab some values from *parent* and *base*:
            box = self.up
            dx = box.dx_l
            dy = box.dy_l
            dz = box.dz_l
            material = box.material_m
            wall_thickness = box.wall_thickness_l
            base = box.base_
            base_height = base.height_l
            zero = L()

            # Compute local values:
            self.lip_thickness_l = lip_thickness = wall_thickness / 2
            self.gap_l = gap = L(mm = 0.1)

            # Do the top part of the cover:
            self.block(comment = "Cover Top",
              material = material,
              color = Color("green"),
              corner1 = base.tsw,
              corner2 = base.tne + P(z = wall_thickness))

            # Do the lip part of the cover:
            self.block(comment = "Cover Lip",
              corner1 = base.tsw + \
              P(wall_thickness + gap, wall_thickness + gap, -lip_thickness),
              corner2 = base.tne - \
              P(wall_thickness + gap, wall_thickness + gap, zero),
              welds = "t")

    if __name__== "__main__":
        ezcad = EZCAD3(0)               # Using EZCAD 3.0
        simple_box = Simple_Box(None)   # Initialize top-level sub-assembly
        simple_box.process(ezcad)       # Process the design

The code is explained in smaller steps below:

  • On Unix-like operating systems (e.g. Linux, MacOS, etc.), the following command makes it possible to directly execute the python program from the command line:

      #!/usr/bin/env python
  • This pulls all of the classes for EZCAD3 into the program name space.

      from EZCAD3 import *   # The EZCAD (revision 3) classes:
  • This defines the top-level assemble for the box and names it Simple_Box. It is a sub-class of the Part class:

      class Simple_Box(Part):
  • This defines the initialization routine for the Simple_Box class. For EZCAD, the first argument of the initialize method is self and the second argument is always up. up is up-level Part part class that is the "parent" of the Simple_Box. In this particular code example, None is passed in to indicate that there is no "parent" class. The next five arguments are optional arguments named dx, dy, dz, wall_thickness, and Material. These arguments have default values if they are not specified. The default box dimensions are 100mm long (X direction), 50mm wide (Y direction), 25mm high (Z direction) with a wall thickness of 5mm. The default construction material is ABS plastic (similar to Lego brick plastic.):

          def __init__(self, up, dx=L(mm=100.0), dy=L(mm=50.0),
            dz=L(25.0), wall_thickness=L(mm=5.0),
            material=Material("plastic", "ABS")):
  • This initializes the Part super class with self and up:

              # Initialize the *Part*:
              Part.__init__(self, up)
  • This loads some values into member variables of the Simple_Box class. The member variables are dx_l, dy_l, dz_l, wall_thickness_l, and material_m. The first for member variables end with an _l suffix to indicate that they are L (i.e. length) objects. The *material_m" variable end with _m to indicate that it contains a Material object:

              # Remember the initialization values:
              self.dx_l = dx
              self.dy_l = dy
              self.dz_l = dz
              self.wall_thickness_l = wall_thickness
              self.material_m = material
  • These last lines of the __init__() method instantiate the Simple_Box_Base and Simple_Box_Cover Part's. These two instances are stored into the base_ and cover_ member variables. These two variables end with a suffix of _ to indicate that they are Part objects. The _ suffix is mandatory, since the EZCAD system uses the _ suffix to find the child Part's of the Simple_Box assembly. self is passed into the __init__ methods for both the Simple_Box_Base and Simple_Box_Cover classes because self is the "parent" for both:

              # Instantiate the sub-*Part*'s:
              self.base_ = Simple_Box_Base(self)
              self.cover_ = Simple_Box_Cover(self)
  • Every Part class must have a construct() method. In this particular case, where Simple_Box is a simple assembly. A simply assembly consists of an assembly where each of its sub Part's is automatically placed into the assembly. Since a simple assembly is the "default" mode, no further operations are needed for the construct() method for Simple_Box. Thus, the Python pass statement is used to indicate that no further operations are needed:

          def construct(self):
  • This class defines the Simple_Box_Base Part. This class describes the shape of the box base. It is a sub-class of a Part class:

      class Simple_Box_Base(Part):
  • As is frequently the case with many Part's to be manufactured the __init__() method simple calls the Part super class __init__ initialization method:

          def __init__(self, up):
              Part.__init__(self, up)
  • The construct method for a Part to be manufactured is typically quite a bit more involved than a Part used as an assembly:

          def construct(self):
  • Usually we start with some statements that select various values defined in this part and others. In this case, we grab the dimension and material objects needed for construction the box base. Most of these dimensions are declared in the "parent" which is accessed using self.up.

              # Grab some values from *box*:
              box = self.up
  • Now using box we can select the five member variables from the Simple_Box "parent" assembly Part. The _l and _m suffixes are not needed for the local variables dx, dy, dz, wall_thickness and material:

              dx = box.dx_l
              dy = box.dy_l
              dz = box.dz_l
              wall_thickness = box.wall_thickness_l
              material = box.material_m
  • We compute a new member variable height_l for the Box_Base Part using the extracted dimensions from box. This variable is assigned to a local variable height and a Simple_Box_Cover member variable height_l. As usual, the member variable ends with an _l suffix to indicate that it is a length. In addition, a length of zero is created by invoking the L initialize method with no arguments:

              # Add another member variable:
              self.height_l = height = dz - wall_thickness
              zero = L()
  • Conceptually, we start the box with a block of material that is dx by dy by height in size. We start by providing a comment argument that shows up in the generated .scad and G code files. The material is the one we selected from box. The color is specified by providing a Color object. This Color object is blue. Finally, two diametrically opposite corners are specified with the corner1 and corner2 arguments. In this particular case, the designer has decided that the bottom of the box is centered on the origin and extends upward by height. The P (i.e. point) class is used to specify the X/Y/Z coordinates of each corner:

              # Start with a solid block of the right dimensions:
              self.block(comment = "Initial block of material",
                material = material,
                color = Color("blue"),
                corner1 = P(-dx/2, -dy/2, zero),
                corner2 = P( dx/2,  dy/2, height))
  • The empty contents of the box base is removed from the original block via a simple_pocket() method. The simple_pocket method starts with a comment argument. Like the block method, the two diametrically opposite corners are used to specify the pocket dimensions. In this code the bounding box dimensions for Simple_Box_Base are used. The corner1 argument is specified starting from the bsw (Bottom, South, West) corner and has P(wall_thickness, wall_thickness, wall_thickness) added to it. The corner2 argument is specified starting from the tne (Top, North, East) corner and has P(wall_thickness, wall_thickness, zero)) subtracted from it. Lastly, it is useful to inform the system where the top of the pocket is. This is done by setting pocket_top to "t" (for Top). This causes the pocket to extend upwards just a little to make sure that the 3D solids package does not accidentally leave a thin slice of material behind on top:

              # Pocket out the body of the box:
              self.simple_pocket(comment = "Box Pocket",
                corner1 = self.bsw + \
                  P(wall_thickness, wall_thickness, wall_thickness),
                corner2 = self.tne - \
                  P(wall_thickness, wall_thickness, zero),
                pocket_top = "t")
  • The Box_Cover class is very similar to the Box_Base class. Thus, only the important differences are discussed below.

  • There are no surprises with the __init__ method:

      class Simple_Box_Cover(Part):
          def __init__(self, up, place):
              Part.__init__(self, up)
  • The first part of the construct() method is pretty similar. The box and base parts are selected using standard Python dot ('.') notation. The base_height variable is obtained from base using the Simple_Box_Base height_l member variable.

          def construct(self):
              # Grab some values from *parent* and *base*:
              box = self.up
              dx = box.dx_l
              dy = box.dy_l
              dz = box.dz_l
              material = box.material_m
              wall_thickness = box.wall_thickness_l
              base = box.base_
              base_height = base.height_l
              zero = L()
  • Two new variables, lip_thickness and gap, are defined. In addition, two new member variables defined -- lip_thickness_l and gap_l. As usual these have the required _l suffixes:

              # Compute local values:
              self.lip_thickness_l = lip_thickness = wall_thickness/2
              self.gap_l = gap = L(mm = 0.1)
  • Like Simple_Box_Base, the Simple_Box_Cover design starts with a block ABS plastic that is colored green to differentiate it from the blue base.. This top is carefully, aligned to fit on top of the Simple_Box_Base Part. corner1 is set to the Top/South/West corner of base. corner1 is set to the Top/North/East corner of base plus the height of the cover (i.e. wall_thickness.) Notice that the point only specifies z dimension and the x and y dimensions default to a length of 0:

              # Do the top part of the cover:
              self.block(comment = "Cover Top",
                material = material,
                color = Color("green"),
                corner1 = base.tsw,
                corner2 = base.tne + P(z = wall_thickness))
  • The cover lip is a block of ABS plastic that is welded to the bottom of the previous block. There can only be one material and color for a Part so there is no need to specify either material or color to this second block() method call. The comment is specified as "Cover Lip". corner1 is equal to base Top/South/West plus the (wall_thickness + gap) in X and Y, and -lip_thickness in Z. corner2 is equal to base Top/North/East minus (wall_thickness + gap) in X and Y, and 0 in Z. For EZCAD, each block, cylinder, extrusion, etc. that is specified is "welded" together into a single chunk of material. The 3D solids packages sometimes leave an infinitesimally thin gap between two material chunks. By setting welds to "t" (i.e. Top), the block is extended a small amount up into the adjoining part to force the two parts to be welded together:

              # Do the lip part of the cover:
              self.block(comment = "Cover Lip",
                corner1 = base.tsw + \
                P(wall_thickness + gap, wall_thickness + gap, -lip_thickness),
                corner2 = base.tne - \
                P(wall_thickness + gap, wall_thickness + gap, zero),
                welds = "t")
  • At the bottom of the file is the code to execute the design is enclosed in the standard Python design pattern of testing __name__ for equality with "__main__". If they are equal, the program is the top level program and the EZCAD processing code is executed. Otherwise, it is not a top level program, and the code is actually being imported into another Python module. In this case, the EZCAD processing code is not executed here, but higher up in the top level program. This design pattern allows parts to be nested. Thus, one person can put a Part design in one file, other person can put yet another design in a second file, and yet a third person can glue them together using Python "import" commands in yet at third file:

      if __name__== "__main__":
  • For the final processing sequence, an EZCAD3 object is allocated and initialized. The major revision number is 3 and the minor revision number is 0. Next, the top-level Simple_Box assembly is allocated and initialized. Finally, the process() method is invoked on simple to cause the design to be processed.:

          ezcad = EZCAD3(0)               # Using EZCAD 3.0
          simple_box = Simple_Box(None)   # Initialize top-level sub-assembly
          simple_box.process(ezcad)       # Process the design
  • For those of you who like to scrunch everything onto one line, this could be replaced by:


Hopefully, the example above gives you the an idea of how EZCAD works. When this program is executed it produces the following files:

  • Simple_Box_Base.stl: An .stl file to manufacture the base with.
  • Simple_Box_Cover.stl: An .stl file to manufacture the cover with.
  • Simple_Box.scad: An .scad file to view the box assembly.
  • Simple_Box_Base.scad: An .scad file to view the box base part.
  • Simple_Box_Cover.scad. An .scad file to view the box cover part.
  • Simple_Box.wrl: An VRML file to view the box assembly.
  • Simple_Box_Base.wrl: An VRML file to view the box base part.
  • Simple_Box_Cover.wrl. An VRML file to view the box cover part.

The .scad files can be view with OpenSCAD and the .wrl files can be view with a VRML viewer (e.g. meshlab.)

CAD Class Reference

This section covers the design classes. The lower level classes are covered first, followed by the Part class. The next major section after this covers the manufacturing classes (e.g. Shop, Machine, Tool, etc.)

The Angle Class

The Angle class represents an angle. While most designers specify their angles in degrees, internally the Angle class represents angles in radians.

The initializer can specify angles in either degrees or radians:

    degrees0 = Angle()                    # No arguments is 0 degrees
    degrees90 = Angle(deg = 90.0)         # Angle specified in degrees
    degrees180 = Angle(rad = 3.14.15926)  # Angle specified in radians

An Angle can be convert back into a float using a conversion method:

    d = degrees90.deg()                   # Convert to degrees
    r = degress180.rad()                  # Convert to radians

Angle's can be added, subtracted, multiplied, divided, etc.:

    a = degrees90 + degrees180            # Addition
    b = degrees90 - degrees180            # Subtraction
    c = degrees90 * 3                     # Multiplication
    d = degrees90 / 3                     # Division
    e = -degrees90                        # Negation

Comparison of Angle objects is supported:

    eq = degrees90 == degrees90     # Equality
    ge = degrees180 >= degrees90    # Greater than or equal
    gt = degrees180 > degrees90     # Greater than
    le = degress0 <= degress180     # Less than or equal
    lt = degress0 < degress180      # Less than
    ne = degrees0 != degress180     # Inequality

An Angle object can be formatted using the standard Python format facility. The units can be specified by suffix character:

    angle = Angle(deg = 180.0)
    print("degrees={0:d} radians={0:r}".format(angle))

will print:

    degrees=180.0 radians=3.14159265359

There are three trigimetric functions for angles:

    angle.sine()                    # sin(angle)
    angle.cosine()                  # cos(angle)
    angle.tangent()                 # tan(angle)

There is a miscellaneous Angle class:

    angle.normalize()               # Angle between -180 and  180 degrees

Read the Doxygen generated Angle class information to get the detailed method documenation.

The Color Class

Color class documentation goes here.

The L (i.e. Length) Class

The L class represents a length. While the length can be specified in units of centimeters, millimeters, inches, and feet, internally, the L class converts everything to millimeters. Here are some examples of creating a length:

    length0 = L()                   # Length of 0.0
    length2mm = L(mm = 2)           # 2.0 millimeters (note *int* is OK)
    length3_5cm = L(cm = 3.5)       # 3.5 centimeters
    length1thou = L(inch = .001)    # One thousandth of an inch
    length6feet = L(ft = 3)         # 3 feet (which happens to be 1 yard)
    length1_3_4 = L(inch = "1-3/4") # 1.75 inches

An L object can be converted back into float using a conversion method:                     # Millimeters                     # Centimeters
    length.inch()                   # Inches
    length.ft()                     # Feet.

As expected, L objects can be added, subtracted, multiplied, divided, etc.:

    a = length2mm + length1though   # Addition
    b = length6feet - length3_5cm   # Subtraction
    c = length6feet * 2             # Mulitplication by *int* (or *float*)
    d = length2mm / 2.3             # Division by a *float* (or *int*)
    e = -length3_5cm                # Negation

Comparisons between L object are permitted:

    eq = length2mm == length2mm     # Equality
    ge = length2mm >= length0       # Greater than or equal
    gt = length2mm > length1thou    # Greater than
    le = length0 <= length2mm <=    # Less than or equal
    lt = length1thou < length2mm <  # Less than
    ne = length3_5cm != length6feet # Inequality

L object can be formatted using the Python formatting system. For example:

    length = L(inch = 1)
    print("mm={0:m} cm={0:c} inch={0:i} ft={0:f}".format(length))

will print out:

    mm=25.4 cm=2.54 inch=1.0 ft=0.08333333333

If no suffix is provided, millimetes will be used the for output units. In general, it is best to always specify the units.

In addition, it is possible to use standard float syntax to futher control the formatting. Thus:


will print out:


There are trigametric methods for L objects that multiply the a length by a trigimetric function:

    length.sine(angle)        # == length * angle.sine()
    length.cosine(angle)      # == length * angle.cosine()
    length.tangent(angle)     # == length * angle.tangent()

In addtion there is:

    dy.arctangent2(dx)        # == Angle(rad=math.atan2(,

There are a few miscellaneous L methods as well:

    length1.absolute()        # Absolute value of (length1)
    length1.maximim(length2)  # Maximum of length1 and length2
    length2.minimum(length2)  # Minimum of length1 and length2

The detailed method documentation generated by Doxygen is available.

The Material Class

Matierial class documentation goes here.

The P (i.e. point) class

P class documenation goes here.

The Part Class

Part Class documenation goes here:

Bounding Box:

  • ex: East X length
  • cx: Center X length
  • wx: West X length
  • dx: Delta X length (i.e. ex - wx)
  • ny: North Y length
  • cy: Center Y length
  • sy: South Y length
  • dy: Delta Y length (i.e ny - sy)
  • tz: Top Z length
  • cz: Center Z length
  • bz: Bottom Z length
  • dz: Delta Z length (i.e. tz - bz)
  • tne: Top/North/East point (i.e. P(ex, ny, tz))
  • tn: Top/North point (i.e. P(cx, ny, tz))
  • tnw: Top/North/West point (i.e. P(wx, ny, tz))
  • te: Top/East point (i.e. P(ex, cy, cz))
  • t: Top point (i.e. P(cx, cy, tz))
  • tw: Top/West point (i.e. P(wx, cy, tz))
  • tse: Top/South/East point (i.e. P(ex, sy, tz))
  • ts: Top/South/East point (i.e. P(cx, sy, tz))
  • tsw: Top/South/East point (i.e. P(wx, sy, tz))
  • ne: North/East point (i.e. P(ex, ny, cz))
  • n: North point (i.e. P(cx, ny, cz))
  • nw: North/West point (i.e. P(wx, ny, cz))
  • e: East point (i.e. P(ex, cy, cz))
  • c: Center point (i.e. P(cx, cy, cz))
  • w: West point (i.e. P(wx, cy, cz))
  • se: North/East point (i.e. P(ex, sy, cz))
  • s: North/East point (i.e. P(cx, sy, cz))
  • sw: North/East point (i.e. P(wx, sy, cz))
  • bne: Bottom/North/East point (i.e. P(ex, ny, bz))
  • bn: Bottom/North point (i.e. P(cx, ny, bz))
  • bnw: Bottom/North/West point (i.e. P(wx, ny, bz))
  • be: Bottom/East point (i.e. P(ex, cy, bz))
  • b: South point (i.e. P(cx, cy, bz))
  • bw: Bottom/West point (i.e. P(wx, cy, bz))
  • bse: Bottom/South/East point (i.e. P(ex, sy, bz))
  • bs: Bottom/South/East point (i.e. P(cx, sy, bz))
  • bsw: Bottom/South/East point (i.e. P(wx, sy, bz))


EZCAD3 (Easy Computer Aided Design Version3) Mechanical CAD Package






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