Aid Learning FrameWork is a Linux system running on Android phone for AI programming. It means that when it is installed, your Android phone owned a Linux system which can run AI program in it. Now we support Caffe, Tensorflow, Mxnet, ncnn, Keras, cv2, Git/SSH powerfully.
Furthermore we provide an AI coding develop tool named Aid_code. It can provide you a visual AI programming experience by using Python from zero on our framework!
Now you have a complete linux with a GUI running on Android (Real linux running on the busybox and not virtul environment. So it is faster and almost real-time.) and can tap your AI code on it visually!
it is a completely examples: it include face align,face reg,face id;include gui. Fast:already converted to ncnn,so it is fast and multi-threads. 10 fps running on the mobile with NO tracking!
Mobilefacenet_v2:( reached 99.733 in the cfp-ff、 the 99.68+ in lfw,96.71+ in agedb30.
the example of landmark is inside the AidLearning Framework. !Download now