These materials are based on Library Carpentry Week 3 by James Baker.
- As in week two we will want to use a laptop during this session.
- If you didn't attend week two and haven't using the command line before you will want to make sure if you are using Mac OSx and Linux you know how to get to the command line. If you are on a Windows system you will want to follow the installation instructions from week two.
- Though it isn't completely necessary, it would be helpful if you missed week two to try and understand some of the basic commands for moving between directories on the command line.
- If you don't already have a GitHub account set one up here:
For Windows users: make sure you followed the steps for week two then move to step 3.
Follow the instructions for installing Git on your operating system here:
These instructions will install a GUI version of Git which we won't be using during the session but might be handy in the future. It will install the command line software at the same time.
- It will be useful to configure your github setup before we begin week three.
$ git config --global "your name"
$ git config --global "your@email"
$ git config --global color.ui "auto"
- If you have any difficulties please reach out via email/twitter/in person.
Notes: set up website before hand
- What is Git. What is GitHub. Basic language. Doing the basics.
- Lesson based on Software Carpentry, Version Control with Git (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International)
- Collaborating in groups to build a Github Pages site: who they are, what they think they could use GitHub for setup a template for use beforehand?
- Lesson based on Software Carpentry, Version Control with Git (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International). To be worked on by @davanstrien
- Reflecting on what GitHub could be used for in local library setting. Free time to exploring more Software Carpentry lessons and adapting forked repo with suggestions for future Library Carpentry