This directory contains the source and assets for
The website is generated using MkDocs, with the Material for MkDocs theme and is served using GitHub Pages.
Follow and read
All steps below are from this docs/website/ folder.
Setup (as needed):
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
mkdocs serve
- This force pushes to
on<your remote>
. Please don't push to the main repository :) - The
workflow takes care of publishing from the central repository automatically
mkdocs gh-deploy --remote-name <your remote>
For more details on how this is set up, see IREE Website Overview - July 10, 2023 (though note that the website organization has changed since then).
For documentation language and style, the guide at offers good advice.
Instructions on how to build the project from source on supported platforms.
- Focus on instructions that apply to all users, independent of specific package managers and development styles
- Set developers up for success with good default options
- Explain how interact with the build system and its outputs
Workflow-oriented guides showing users how to accomplish tasks
Unopinionated descriptions of system components
Less structured pages for project development topics
- Pages may be "promoted" from this category to another category if they are generally useful to a wide enough range of developers
A place to showcase work across the community