telegram bot project for streaming video on telegram video chat, powered by tgcalls and pyrogram
- /vplay (reply to video/give yt url) - to start video streaming
- /vstop - to stop video streaming
- /song (song name) - to download song
- /vsong (video name) - to download video
- /lyric (query) - lyric scrapper
- /tts (reply to text) - text to speech
- /alive - check the bot alive status
- /ping - check the bot ping status
- /uptime - check the bot uptime status
- /sysinfo - show the bot system information
📝 Note: From now, /vstream & /vstop command can only be used by group admins.
The easy way to host this bot, deploy to Heroku
- sudo apt update && upgrade -y
- sudo apt install python3-pip -y virtualenv
- sudo apt install ffmpeg -y
- nvm install v16.5.0
- npm i -g npm
- git clone
- cd video-stream
- virtualenv venv #Create Virtual Environment.
- source venv/bin/activate #Activate Virtual Environment
- pip3 install --upgrade pip
- pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt
- cp -r sample.env local.env
- nano local.env #Fill it with your variables value.
- python3 -m bot