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Solidity_Support |
Solidity Support |
Arbitrum Rollup supports EVM transactions, and therefore allows you to trustlessly deploy Solidity contracts (as well as Vyper or any other language that compile to EVM). Arbitrum supports almost all Solidity code as expected with a few exceptions that we detail below.
Although Arbitrum supports Solidity code, there are differences in the effects of a few operations, including language features that don't make much sense in the Layer 2 context.
returns the user’s ArbGas price paid (same as the current basefee)blockhash(x)
returns Arbitrum blockhash of a specific L1 block x ifblock.number - 255 <= x <= block.number
, else returns zero. Arbitrum blockhash is a value deterministically generated from the L1 block number and state of the inbox.block.coinbase
returns zeroblock.difficulty
returns the constant 2500000000000000block.gaslimit
returns the block's ArbGas limitgasleft
returns the amount of ArbGas remainingblock.number
on a non-Sequencer Arbitrum chain, returns the L1 block number at which the transaction was submitted to the inbox; on a Sequencer Arbitrum chain, returns an "estimate" of the L1 block number at which the Sequencer received the transaction (see Time in Arbitrum)msg.sender
works the same way it does on Ethereum for normal L2-to-L2 transactions; for L1-to-L2 "retryable ticket" transactions, it will return the L2 address alias of the L1 contract that triggered the message. See retryable ticket address aliasing for more.- blake2f and ripemd160 precompiles are not currently supported.
Arbitrum supports block.number
and block.timestamp
. For the semantics of these features in the Arbitrum context, please see Time in Arbitrum.