- Our App will organize the communication way between students inside specific university.
- Our App will allow to send and recive message.
- Our App will allow to user to download and upload a files.
- What will our Product do ?
- login and signup the user.
- create a post.
- individual chat.
- Upload and download the files.
- Post a job opportunity
- What will our Product not do ?
- Video call.
- grop chat.
- Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
- wireframe for the project.
- database relationship schema.
- presentation for the main requirements of the project.
- Organize commucication with students inside specific University .
- in this App the user can signup and enter you information and then
- go to the login page to login in Social University App.
- then the user can be abel to create a bost.
- and the user can download and upload the material.
- and the user can send and recive a message between.
- Security using AWS Security.
- password Encoder inside the dynamodb.
- make the username uniqe.
- deal with firebase services.
- Uplad and download from S3 Amplify Services.