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Solver Module

The Solver module is dedicated to handling constraint solving with a focus on utilizing the SMT-LIB syntax.


This module plays a crucial role in ensuring accurate and efficient constraint solving during the test setup phase. In particular: generating meaningful values to insert in the database setup during testing, ensuring that the queries return meaningful values.


The Solver module's primary function is to solve constraints expressed in SMT-LIB format. Currently, it uses the Z3, a powerful SMT solver developed by Microsoft Research. The design of the module allows for flexibility, enabling the integration of other solvers if needed.

Key Features

  • SMT-LIB Syntax Modeling: The module provides an abstraction that models constraints using the SMT-LIB format, leveraging the standardized language for specifying constraints.
  • Z3 Solver Integration: The module utilizes the Z3 solver to handle the constraint solving process. The integration ensures efficient and accurate solving of constraints.
  • Extensible Solver Integration: While Z3 is the current solver, the module's architecture supports the potential replacement or addition of other solvers, whether internal or external.



This package contains the entire SMT-LIB abstraction to create SMT-LIB entities. It has a recursive mechanism for creating SMT-LIB structures, which allows for flexible and powerful constraint modeling. Usage examples in tests.


The SMTLib module provides an abstraction for constructing and managing SMT-LIB files. It is designed to work with the Z3 solver by representing various SMT-LIB constructs in a structured manner. The key components are:

  • SMTLib: This class manages a collection of SMTNode objects. It provides methods to add and retrieve nodes, and it produces the final SMT-LIB file as a string.

  • SMTNode: This is an abstract base class for different types of SMT nodes. Each specific node type represents a different kind of SMT-LIB construct.

    • CheckSatSMTNode: Represents the check-sat command in SMT-LIB, used to query the satisfiability of the constraints.
    • DeclareConstSMTNode: Represents the declare-const command, used to declare constants in the SMT-LIB file.
    • DeclareDatatypeSMTNode: Represents the declare-datatype command, used to define new data types.
    • GetValueSMTNode: Represents the get-value command, used to retrieve the values of expressions.
    • AssertSMTNode: Represents an assertion in the SMT-LIB file. It contains a single Assertion.
  • Assertion: An abstract concept representing various types of assertions in SMT-LIB:

    • AndAssertion: Represents a logical AND of multiple assertions.
    • DistinctAssertion: Represents an assertion that ensures values are distinct.
    • EqualsAssertion: Represents an equality assertion between two expressions.
    • GreaterThanAssertion: Represents a "greater than" assertion.
    • GreaterThanOrEqualsAssertion: Represents a "greater than or equal to" assertion.
    • LessThanAssertion: Represents a "less than" assertion.
    • LessThanOrEqualsAssertion: Represents a "less than or equal to" assertion.
    • OrAssertion: Represents a logical OR of multiple assertions.


The SMTResultParser class is responsible for interpreting the output from the Z3 solver. It takes a string response from Z3 and converts it into a Map<String, SMTLibValue>.

  • SMTLibValue: An abstract base class for values.
    • IntValue: Represents integer values.
    • RealValue: Represents real (floating-point) numbers.
    • StringValue: Represents string literals.
    • StructValue: Represents complex structures with multiple fields.

The parseZ3Response method parses the raw solver response to produce a structured map where each key is a variable name and the value is an instance of SMTLibValue.


This class is responsible for executing the Z3 solver within a Docker container. It manages the lifecycle of the Docker container, ensures the solver is executed correctly, and parses the results.

  1. Initializes a Docker container with the Z3 solver.
  2. Binds a host directory to a directory in the container to facilitate the transfer of SMT-LIB files.
  3. Executes the Z3 solver on SMT-LIB files located in the bound directory.
  4. Parses the output from the Z3 solver and returns the results.

The class implements the AutoCloseable interface to ensure that the Docker container is properly stopped and resources are released when no longer needed.

Future Enhancements

The Solver module is designed with extensibility in mind, enabling the addition of support for other constraint languages and solvers to broaden its applicability.

Getting Started

To get started with the Solver module, ensure that you have Docker installed. The module automatically downloads the necessary Z3 image and runs it in a Docker container.