This cmdlet queries every backup/backup copy task session and pulls data for virtual machines specified in a text file
in html format.
The code is ran against a localhost.
Default report path is C:\Temp\BackupReport.html
To import this cmdlet, cd
to the directory where BackupReport.ps1
is kept and execute the following:
Import-Module .\BackupReport.ps1
- parses a source file with virtual machine names. REQUIRED
- pulls info for backups. OPTIONAL
- pulls info for backup copies. OPTIONAL
If neither -Backup
nor -BackupCopy
specified, the report will be generated for both Backups and Backup Copies.
To retrieve backup information on virtual machines specified:
Get-BackupReport -Path 'C:\Temp\VirtualMachines.txt' -Backup
Backup copy information:
Get-BackupReport -Path 'C:\Temp\VirtualMachines.txt' -BackupCopy
Get-BackupReport -Path 'C:\Temp\VirtualMachines.txt'