npm install
npm start
npm run build
npm run fix
├─ config
├─ public
├─ scripts
├─ src
│ ├─ assets
│ ├─ elements //Store all custom elements
│ ├─ store //Store all this store of pages
│ ├─ admin.js //Entry js of compiler,will build to admin.html
│ └─ index.js //Entry js of compiler,will build to index.html
"scripts": {
"start": "node scripts/start.js",
"build": "PUBLIC_URL=. node scripts/build.js",
"build-windows": "set PUBLIC_URL=.&& node scripts/build.js",
"fix": "eslint src --fix"
You can set up the PUBLIC_URL, such as:
"build": "PUBLIC_URL= node scripts/build.js",
"build-windows": "set PUBLIC_URL= node scripts/build.js",
Add or remove the alias config in package.json to switch omi and omio:
"alias": {
"omi": "omio"