#AngularJS Modular Demo Demonstrates Angular modularity, testing, Gulp task automation, and more.
Opinionated AngularJS style guide for teams by @john_papa
More details about the styles and patterns used in this app can be found in my AngularJS Style Guide and my AngularJS Patterns: Clean Code(coming soon) course at Pluralsight and working in teams.
/build (created on the fly)
- Open terminal
- Type
npm install
npm install
will install these too, but you can do it manually.
- Open terminal
- Type
bower install
Runs locally, no database required.
The dev build does not optimize the deployed code. It simply runs it in place. You can run a dev build in multiple ways.
####Option 1 - Serve
Type gulp serve-dev
and browse to http://localhost:7200
####Option 2 - Serve and Debug Node
Type gulp serve-dev-debug
and browse to http://localhost:7200
for the client and http://localhost:8080/debug?port-5858
to debug the server.
####Option 3 - Serve and Debug Node Breaking on 1st Line
Type gulp serve-dev-debug-brk
and browse to http://localhost:7200
for the client and http://localhost:8080/debug?port-5858
to debug the server.
The staging build is an optimized build. Type gulp serve-stage
and browse to http://localhost:7200
The optimizations are performed by the gulp tasks and include the following list. See the gulpfile.js
for details
- jshint
- preparing Angular's templatecache for html templates
- concat task to bundle css and js, separately
- Angular dependency injection annotations using ngAnnotate
- uglify to minify and mangle javascript
- source maps
- css autoprefixer for vendor prefixes
- minify css
- optimize images
- index.html injection for scripts and links
- deploying all js, css, images, fonts, and index.html
Type gulp test
to run the tests including both unit and midway tests (spins up a server). This will create a watch on the files, with a 5 second delay, to run the tests.
Testing uses karma, mocha, chai, sinon, ngMidwayTester libraries.
The app is quite simple and has 2 main routes:
- dashboard
- avengers list
The app has 4 feature modules and depends on a series of external modules and custom but cross-app modules
app --> [
app.core --> [
Core modules are ones that are shared throughout the entire application and may be customized for the specific application. Example might be common data services.
This is an aggregator of modules that the application will need. The core
module takes the blocks, common, and Angular sub-modules as dependencies.
Block modules are reusable blocks of code that can be used across projects simply by including them as dependencies.
The blocks.logger
module handles logging across the Angular app.
The blocks.exception
module handles exceptions across the Angular app.
It depends on the blocks.logger
module, because the implementation logs the exceptions.
The blocks.router
module contains a routing helper module that assists in adding routes to the $routeProvider.
Install globally
npm install -g node-inspector
Run server, load it in the browser
node-debug server/server.js
This loads http://localhost:8080/debug?port-5858 with the node code in the Chrome debugger
Run the server with options, and debug
node --debug=5858 server/server.js & node-inspector
node-inspector & node --debug server/server.js
- Note: Debug defaults to 5858
Run the server and have it break on the first line of code
node-inspector & node --debug-brk server/server.js
Or run node-inspector in a separate Terminal tab. You can keep it running and just serve and shutdown your site as needed
Alternative to running node-inspector in its own tab is to use gulp-shell
gulp.src('', {read: false})
Run gulp serve-dev-debug
or gulp serve-dev-debug-brk
to debug node via the Gulp tasks in this project.
####If a process stays connected find it and kill with these commands
lsof -i TCP|fgrep LISTEN
kill -9 34608
####Set up some aliases for the Mac
Edit the bash profile
nano ~/.bash_profile
Enter the aliases
alias lsp='sudo lsof -i -n -P | grep LISTEN'
alias cdmod='cd _git/ng-demos/modular'
alias gadd='git add . -A'
CTRL-X and save
Source the file
source ~/.bash_profile