Unified Efficient Fine-Tuning of 100+ LLMs & VLMs (ACL 2024)
PyTorch Tutorial for Deep Learning Researchers
《Designing Data-Intensive Application》DDIA中文翻译
Use ChatGPT to summarize the arXiv papers. 全流程加速科研,利用chatgpt进行论文全文总结+专业翻译+润色+审稿+审稿回复
中文LLaMA&Alpaca大语言模型+本地CPU/GPU训练部署 (Chinese LLaMA & Alpaca LLMs)
Qlib is an AI-oriented quantitative investment platform that aims to realize the potential, empower research, and create value using AI technologies in quantitative investment, from exploring ideas…
获取斗鱼&虎牙&哔哩哔哩&抖音&快手等 58 个直播平台的真实流媒体地址(直播源)和弹幕,直播源可在 PotPlayer、flv.js 等播放器中播放。
【PyTorch】Easy-to-use,Modular and Extendible package of deep-learning based CTR models.
Comprehensive and timely academic information on federated learning (papers, frameworks, datasets, tutorials, workshops)
The PyTorch implementation of LightGCN
Social media (Weibo) comments analyzing toolbox in Chinese 微博评论分析工具, 实现功能: 1.微博评论数据爬取; 2.分词与关键词提取; 3.词云与词频统计; 4.情感分析; 5.主题聚类
A pytorch port of google-research/google-research/robust_loss/
基于python开发的编码转换工具,图形化界面基于pyside2(qt5)开发。 支持批量转换任意格式的文件编码; 可将文件编码转为UTF-8 BOM 、UTF-8、GB2312中的任意一种格式;
A Toolbox for MultiModal Recommendation. Integrating 10+ Models...
Implements of Awesome RecSystem Models with PyTorch/TF2.0
Graph Neural Network based Social Recommendation Model. SIGIR2019.
Tensorflow implementation of "Learning to Balance: Bayesian Meta-learning for Imbalanced and Out-of-distribution Tasks" (ICLR 2020 oral)
This is a library built upon RecBole for cross-domain recommendation algorithms
Source code for NeurIPS 2020 paper "Meta-Learning with Adaptive Hyperparameters"
Skeleton code, tips and solutions for the socket programming exercises from Kurose and Ross Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 6th ed
Membership Inference, Attribute Inference and Model Inversion attacks implemented using PyTorch.
The code for paper MAMO: Memory-Augmented Meta-Optimization for Cold-start Recommendation
[ACMMM 2021] PyTorch implementation for "Mining Latent Structures for Multimedia Recommendation"