@mainpage ContinueWatching
The Continue Watching Service will provide a method for applications on the STB to store a token for retrieval by XRE.Applications like netflix will use this to store a token that XRE will retrieve and use the data to gather data from the OTT provider that can be used to populate a continue watching panel in the UI.This service will be enabled/disabled using an TR181 parameter.
- setApplicationToken
- getApplicationToken
- deleteApplicationToken
bitbake thunder-plugins
Before testing the continuewatching apis ,please ensure that OTT_token is enabled.Hence run the following commands:
tr181 -s -v true Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.OTT_Token.Enable
To verify if OTT_Token is set: tr181 -g Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.OTT_Token.Enable
Note: Below listed curl requests contains sample values for testing purposes only.
Will set the given token to the application.Returns CW_OK status if set,else returns a CW_ERROR status
curl -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"3","method":"org.rdk.ContinueWatching.1.setApplicationToken","params": {"applicationName":"netflix","token":"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"}}'
Check if the /opt/continuewatching.json file is created and ensure token is stored in an encrypted format as seen below.
"tokens": [{
"applicationName": "netflix",
"encryptedData": "OvABTqvfs1LnbgfQoNcT8QUNpotioUkek705w3AOEh/7e2j6uju5FUN1fjzgXJt7XSN9NvuYKe7AwD0gx0WBuFoMWup0VYWwVmmTscPStdxI1w3YzW7GsO"
Used to retrieve the token value of a particular application.Returns the token value on success,else it returns a CW_ERROR status.
curl -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"3","method":"org.rdk.ContinueWatching.1.getApplicationToken","params":{ "applicationName":"netflix"}}'
Deletes the token stored for a particular application.
curl -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"3","method":"org.rdk.ContinueWatching.1.deleteApplicationToken","params":{"applicationName":"netflix"}}'
check the /opt/continuewatching.json file to see if the application's token is deleted as seen below:
"tokens": []
CW_STATUS is returned in the json response.It can take the following values:
CW_STATUS | Values |
CW_OK | 0 |
CW_FAIL | 1 |
success value is also passed in the response .If its true it indicates API executed correctly and if its false it indiactes API failure.