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Direction of Arrival Estimation using MUSIC and ESPRIT Algorithms in Python
Jupyer Notebooks on EM modeling that helps students understant the physics involved in various EM surveys
Estimate an electrical conductivity model for a hydraulically-fractured rock volume using effective medium theory
This repository is created for the course - GEOL6396 Computational EM in the department of EAS, University of Houston.
The code for paper "Learning Implicit Fields for Generative Shape Modeling".
All code related to research about inverse electromagnetic scattering problems
Numerical methods for solving electromagnetic wave scattering problem
A 2D Helmholtz solver based on the algorithms in "Inverse Acoustic and Electromagnetic Scattering Theory" by Colton and Kress.
Volume integral equation solver for electromagnetic scattering simulations
open source MLFMA (multi level fast multipole algorithm) or open source MLFMM (multi level fast multipole method)
hasantahir / fdtd-1
Forked from flaport/fdtdA 3D electromagnetic FDTD simulator written in Python
Equivalent Resistor Network forward modeling and DL-based Inversion for Electrical Hydraulic Fracturing Monitoring
Fast electromagnetic solver (FDTD) at scale.
Electrostatic and Electromagnetic wave propagation simulations with FEM: EM field, TE & TM modes of a circular waveguide, scattering of a plane wave from a perfect electric conductor cylinder using…
Numerical examples of Ziolkowski, A., and E. Slob, 2019, Introduction to Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Methods: Cambridge University Press; ISBN: 9781107058620.
Werthmüller, D., W.A. Mulder, and E.C. Slob, 2021, Fast Fourier transform of electromagnetic data for computationally expensive kernels, Geophysical Journal International, 226(2), 1336-1347
Discontinuity Computing Using Physics-Informed Neural Network
Using Physics-Informed Deep Learning (PIDL) techniques (W-PINNs-DE & W-PINNs) to solve forward and inverse hydrodynamic shock-tube problems and plane stress linear elasticity boundary value problems
openEMS is a free and open-source electromagnetic field solver using the EC-FDTD method.
Curated from repositories that make our lives as geoscientists, hackers and data wranglers easier or just more awesome
A Doubly Fed Cross-Residual Deep Neural Network for High-Precision Magnetic Flux Leakage Defect Size Estimation
Some basic algorithm used in Radar data process, including pulse compression/CFAR/monopulse、Kalman filter and fusion、arrary antenna design.
hp-VPINNs: variational physics-informed neural network with domain decomposition is a general framework to solve differential equations