👩🏻⚕️Covid-19 estimation and forecast using statistical model; 新型冠状病毒肺炎统计模型预测 (Jan 2020)
YiranJing Public
👁More about myself: Study background, Career interests, and Resume
1 UpdatedMay 29, 2023 -
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Forked from canva-public/dependency-treeTool to generate a dependency graph from a given set of files/directories
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🦋 Detect Bilateral Symmetry Object within Image, mathematical method using OpenCV (Jan 2020)
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Models for Commercial Analysis
2019-2020 Summer Study Notes
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Statistical and ML models for time series analysis combined with data cleaning, data visualization and statistical inference (2018 - 2019)
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WebApplication Public
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Forked from hahaha108/meituanAppSpider美团APP爬虫,可获取指定城市范围内所有美食店铺信息,包含店铺名称、类别、评分、所属片区、经纬度、详细地址、优惠套餐情况、营业时间、联系电话、累计售出份数、餐厅简介、特色菜......
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datasets Public
Forked from mikeizbicki/datasetsA collection of publicly available datasets
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