Now we get to the most exciting part, the ability to purchase NFTs. There are only a few steps the markeplace goes through to validate a purchase and send the tokens to the proper recipients. We have to handle two different payment methodologies, payment in STX and in SIP010 tokens. The logical flow will go like this:
- Retrieve the listing from the
data map and abort if it does not exist. - Assert that the taker is not equal to the maker.
- Assert that the expiry block height has not been reached.
- Assert that the provided NFT trait reference is equal to the principal stored in the listing.
- Assert that the payment asset trait reference, if any, is equal to the one stored in the listing.
- Transfer the NFT from the contract to the buyer and the payment asset from the buyer to the seller and revert if either transfer fails.
- Delete the listing from the
data map.
Most of the steps above are shared between both payment methedologie (step 7).
It therefore makes sense to create a single function that checks if all
fulfilment conditions are met. We will call this function assert-can-fulfil
It will take the NFT asset contract principal, payment asset contract principal,
and listing tuple as parameters in order to validate all conditions.
(define-private (assert-can-fulfil (nft-asset-contract principal) (payment-asset-contract (optional principal)) (listing {maker: principal, taker: (optional principal), token-id: uint, nft-asset-contract: principal, expiry: uint, price: uint, payment-asset-contract: (optional principal)}))
(asserts! (not (is-eq (get maker listing) tx-sender)) err-maker-taker-equal)
(asserts! (match (get taker listing) intended-taker (is-eq intended-taker tx-sender) true) err-unintended-taker)
(asserts! (< block-height (get expiry listing)) err-listing-expired)
(asserts! (is-eq (get nft-asset-contract listing) nft-asset-contract) err-nft-asset-mismatch)
(asserts! (is-eq (get payment-asset-contract listing) payment-asset-contract) err-payment-asset-mismatch)
(ok true)
The function signature looks a bit unwieldly due to the listing tuple type definition. Remember that you can use whitespace to make it a bit more readable if you like.
With our helper function, implementing the fulfilment functions is easy. We can
call into it at the start and propagate any errors using try!
. If
returns an ok
then we know we can move on to tranferring
the assets to the buyer and the seller. We have to make sure to delete the
listing from the data map to prevent people from trying to fulfil the listing
more than once. It is just for good form, because even if that were to happen,
the contract call would not complete because the marketplace would no longer
possess the NFT.
(define-public (fulfil-listing-stx (listing-id uint) (nft-asset-contract <nft-trait>))
(let (
(listing (unwrap! (map-get? listings listing-id) err-unknown-listing))
(taker tx-sender)
(try! (assert-can-fulfil (contract-of nft-asset-contract) none listing))
(try! (as-contract (transfer-nft nft-asset-contract (get token-id listing) tx-sender taker)))
(try! (stx-transfer? (get price listing) taker (get maker listing)))
(map-delete listings listing-id)
(ok listing-id)
Returning the listing ID is again useful for a contract or frontend interacting with the marketplace.
We can now pretty much copy the previous function to create the SIP010 version.
Instead of calling stx-transfer?
, we call the transfer-ft
function we made
(define-public (fulfil-listing-ft (listing-id uint) (nft-asset-contract <nft-trait>) (payment-asset-contract <ft-trait>))
(let (
(listing (unwrap! (map-get? listings listing-id) err-unknown-listing))
(taker tx-sender)
(try! (assert-can-fulfil (contract-of nft-asset-contract) (some (contract-of payment-asset-contract)) listing))
(try! (as-contract (transfer-nft nft-asset-contract (get token-id listing) tx-sender taker)))
(try! (transfer-ft payment-asset-contract (get price listing) taker (get maker listing)))
(map-delete listings listing-id)
(ok listing-id)
We are now feature-complete. Let us test order fulfilment manually before we
start working on unit tests. We again drop into a clarinet console
session and
set the stage to conduct a trade.
First we mint an NFT and list it on the marketplace for 150 mSTX.
>> (contract-call? .sip009-nft mint tx-sender)
Events emitted
(ok u1)
>> (contract-call? .tiny-market list-asset .sip009-nft {taker: none, token-id: u1, expiry: u500, price: u150, payment-asset-contract: none})
Events emitted
(ok u0)
You might remember that we cannot purchase an NFT from ourselves. Let us try
that out first by trying to buy it right now. As seen above, the listing ID for
our NFT is u0
. The function we should call into is fulfil-listing-stx
>> (contract-call? .tiny-market fulfil-listing-stx u0 .sip009-nft)
(err u2005)
An error was emitted; namely, u2005
! Looking at our list of error constants,
we find that it is indeed the maker-taker equality check that has failed:
Clarinet makes it really easy to assume any tx-sender
. We can pick the next
wallet in the list and set it as the tx-sender
using ::set_tx_sender
. Once
we have done that we will again try to purchase the NFT from the marketplace.
Remember that once we change the tx-sender
, the shorthand contract notation
for the marketplace and NFT contract will no longer work! You will have to write
out the
fully qualified contract principal.
>> ::set_tx_sender ST1SJ3DTE5DN7X54YDH5D64R3BCB6A2AG2ZQ8YPD5
tx-sender switched to ST1SJ3DTE5DN7X54YDH5D64R3BCB6A2AG2ZQ8YPD5
>> (contract-call? 'ST1PQHQKV0RJXZFY1DGX8MNSNYVE3VGZJSRTPGZGM.tiny-market fulfil-listing-stx u0 'ST1PQHQKV0RJXZFY1DGX8MNSNYVE3VGZJSRTPGZGM.sip009-nft)
Events emitted
(ok u0)
Will you look at that! There is an NFT asset transfer from the marketplace
contract to the tx-sender
, and a STX transfer from the tx-sender
to the
original maker of the NFT listing. We can check the asset maps to verify that
the balance of the maker has increased by 150 mSTX, the balance of the taker has
decreased by the same amount, and that the taker now also owns one of our test
NFTs. The marketplace no longer owns any tokens.
>> ::get_assets_maps
| Address | .sip009-nft.stacksies | STX |
| ST1PQHQKV0RJXZFY1DGX8MNSNYVE3VGZJSRTPGZGM (deployer) | 0 | 100000000000150 |
| ST1SJ3DTE5DN7X54YDH5D64R3BCB6A2AG2ZQ8YPD5 (wallet_1) | 1 | 99999999999850 |
Let us also test fulfilling an order with SIP010 tokens for good measure. Start
with a fresh clarinet session
and mint another NFT as the contract deployer.
>> (contract-call? .sip009-nft mint tx-sender)
Events emitted
(ok u1)
Next, we mint some SIP010 tokens to another standard principal. That other principal is going to be the taker of the order. We will mint 1,000 tokens.
>> (contract-call? .sip010-token mint u1000 'ST1SJ3DTE5DN7X54YDH5D64R3BCB6A2AG2ZQ8YPD5)
Events emitted
(ok true)
Now we are ready to list the NFT. We will charge 800 tokens in our test. Be sure
to pass the SIP010 token contract as the payment-asset-contract
. (And
remember, it is an optional
type, so wrap the contract principal in a some
>> (contract-call? .tiny-market list-asset .sip009-nft {taker: none, token-id: u1, expiry: u500, price: u800, payment-asset-contract: (some .sip010-token)})
Events emitted
(ok u0)
Looking good so far, our listing was accepted and the NFT transferred to the
marketplace. The listing ID is again u0
because we started a new Clarinet
We can now switch the tx-sender
to the principal we minted SIP010 tokens to
earlier. For fun, we can see if we can fulfil the listing using STX tokens
>> ::set_tx_sender ST1SJ3DTE5DN7X54YDH5D64R3BCB6A2AG2ZQ8YPD5
tx-sender switched to ST1SJ3DTE5DN7X54YDH5D64R3BCB6A2AG2ZQ8YPD5
>> (contract-call? 'ST1PQHQKV0RJXZFY1DGX8MNSNYVE3VGZJSRTPGZGM.tiny-market fulfil-listing-stx u0 'ST1PQHQKV0RJXZFY1DGX8MNSNYVE3VGZJSRTPGZGM.sip009-nft)
(err u2004)
We get an error u2004
which is err-payment-asset-mismatch
, and no asset
transfer events. Good news! Now let us actually buy it with the proper payment
asset by calling into fulfil-listing-ft
Events emitted
(ok u0)
A bunch of transfers happened and we got a positive response. Taking a peek at the asset maps show us that all went well. The maker received 800 SIP010 tokens while the taker kept 200 and received the NFT. All STX balances remained unaffected.
>> ::get_assets_maps
| Address | .sip009-nft.stacksies | .sip010-token.amazing-coin | STX |
| ST1PQHQKV0RJXZFY1DGX8MNSNYVE3VGZJSRTPGZGM (deployer) | 0 | 800 | 100000000000000 |
| ST1SJ3DTE5DN7X54YDH5D64R3BCB6A2AG2ZQ8YPD5 (wallet_1) | 1 | 200 | 100000000000000 |