- NewYork
Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine
A library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors.
OpenPose: Real-time multi-person keypoint detection library for body, face, hands, and foot estimation
Open source simulator for autonomous vehicles built on Unreal Engine / Unity, from Microsoft AI & Research
Bullet Physics SDK: real-time collision detection and multi-physics simulation for VR, games, visual effects, robotics, machine learning etc.
Open-source simulator for autonomous driving research.
Open3D: A Modern Library for 3D Data Processing
a small build system with a focus on speed
NVIDIA® TensorRT™ is an SDK for high-performance deep learning inference on NVIDIA GPUs. This repository contains the open source components of TensorRT.
Real-Time SLAM for Monocular, Stereo and RGB-D Cameras, with Loop Detection and Relocalization Capabilities
机器人视觉 移动机器人 VS-SLAM ORB-SLAM2 深度学习目标检测 yolov3 行为检测 opencv PCL 机器学习 无人驾驶
A simple C++11 Thread Pool implementation
COLMAP - Structure-from-Motion and Multi-View Stereo
Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations.
header only, dependency-free deep learning framework in C++14
open Multiple View Geometry library. Basis for 3D computer vision and Structure from Motion.
A Detailed Cplusplus Concurrency Tutorial 《C++ 并发编程指南》
mlpack: a fast, header-only C++ machine learning library
A Robust and Versatile Monocular Visual-Inertial State Estimator
Simple MPL-2.0-licensed C++ geometry processing library.
Extremely simple yet powerful header-only C++ plotting library built on the popular matplotlib
🛠 A lite C++ toolkit of 100+ Awesome AI models, support ORT, MNN, NCNN, TNN and TensorRT. 🎉🎉
An optimization-based multi-sensor state estimator
LIO-SAM: Tightly-coupled Lidar Inertial Odometry via Smoothing and Mapping
open Multi-View Stereo reconstruction library
ELF: a platform for game research with AlphaGoZero/AlphaZero reimplementation
Photogrammetric Computer Vision Framework