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Feature layer update attributes

This sample demonstrates how to edit attributes of feature in a feature layer.

Feature Layer Update Attributes App


  • FeatureLayer
  • ArcGISFeature
  • ServiceFeatureTable
  • Callout
  • FeatureEditResult
  • IdentifyLayerResult

How to use the sample

Features in the map represent properties and are symbolized based on the type of damage to the property. Tapping on a feature displays the callout. The callout contains information about the type of damage on that property. In order to change the type of damage, tap on the info icon in the callout. Doing so, would display a list of damage types values to choose from. Selecting one of the damage types will dismiss the list and update the feature with the new value.

##How it works The sample uses identifyLayerAsync method of MapView to identify GeoElement being tapped on and the getAttributes method on ArcGISFeature to get the current damage type for a selected property and displays it in the callout. After the selection of a new damage type, it uses updateFeatureAsync for updating the ArcGISFeature in the ServiceFeatureTable and in order to apply the changes to the service it uses applyEditsAsync on the ServiceFeatureTable.