2013219RSA-2013,Mandiant60 61398.2014227,Kevin Mandia RSA-2014 :State of the Hack: One Year After the APT1 Report
2014225RSA-2014 , JuniperNawaf Bitar: The Next World War Will be Fought in Silicon Valley
2014225RSA-2014 12:00-12:50pm , James Lewls ,Richard Clarke ,Michael Haydenz ,NSA. :Understanding NSA Surveillance: The Washington View ., ......
2014227,8:00-9:00am Paul Harjung:How to Overcome Security Challenges of Doing Business in China Doing business in China can present unique IT security challenges. In this P2P session, attendees will discuss the risks and exchange ideas on how to protect against and fight an incident response battle, the best ways to handle advanced persistent threats, how to stop zero day vulnerabilities and how to handle encryption.
, :,WinXP, ! 22710:40-11:40am
NSA RSA-06,. ,Vista . Craig Mundie:" " Windows Vista Win8......
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